Reviews for Daddy's Little Girl
LoveLikeElena chapter 4 . 7/18/2010
Hi! First of all, the story was really good and I enjoyed reading it. Secondly, thanks for your help. I didn't quite agree with Sophia's decision, but that's jsut me. I guess it's just harder for me because what my Dad did is still haunting me. It happened two months ago.

God bless

LoveLikeElena chapter 3 . 7/18/2010
Hi! This chapter was really good. I really liked it. Again, it really helped me. And the pigs cracked me up! That crack they made about Ceril was hilarious!

God bless

LoveLikeElena chapter 2 . 7/18/2010
So when did Bartok make a guest appearance? GOL! "I'd give her a ha and a hiya and I'd kick her sir!" GOL! But seriously, this chapter was very good. It actually helped me a little with my own problem right now. Thanks for that. That part about Bert hitting Reggie by accident made me crack up! I also found myself laughing at the pigs!

God bless

LoveLikeElena chapter 1 . 7/18/2010
Hey Erin! Lauren here. I hope you're doing well. This chapter was really good! I really liked it. I'm having some father issues of my own right now. Basically, my Dad did something a few months ago that I'm having a hard time dealing with. Something I can't forgive any time soon. I want to thank you for writing this story. Maybe it will help me.

God bless

The Head Honcho chapter 1 . 4/29/2008
Nice start this could get intresting but I think I hve already figerd out what the endding might be (but im not telling).