Reviews for Atonement
Sophie chapter 12 . 11/30/2014
Please please please please update this! I needa know what's next for this! D;
lizard84 chapter 12 . 2/6/2014
OH GOODNESS! this story is very good I just wish that there was more! I hope that you come back to it.
JuSaYes chapter 1 . 4/29/2013
Georgie is my fave character. Glad to see a fic predominantly featuring her
Guest chapter 1 . 4/4/2013
I LOVE georgina! my fave characters in GG. she's so criminally kick ass. She's a way funner "best friend" than blair
ArtemisCharmed chapter 12 . 4/15/2011
I tried to feel bad for her. I TRULY did. But I only feel so bad for Asher. poor guy just wants to prove something to himself and his peers.

OMG! Georgie's horrible. I love her puns. WIN.

Jesus..the gun. *whistles* CRAZY BITCH.

ERIC! *hugs* My baby. *sobs* Don't hurt my baby!

Speaking of...hmm... Even then, I still gots issues. But can we at least get Blair telling Chuck ... and Nate of course. *doesn't care about Nate's reaction, truthfully* :P
ArtemisCharmed chapter 11 . 4/15/2011
GAH! All the SC! MY FAVORITE! I love their relationship. Honestly, I think it's my favorite part of the story..SC's interactions.

Chuck's plan is so right on. I love that B sees it. I LOVE THAT GEORGIE BELIEVED IT!

Oh man, poetry. Poor Georgie!

Chuck on foot! BLAIR ROTFLMAO over it. WIN WIN WIN!
ArtemisCharmed chapter 10 . 4/15/2011
I love G's dwarf names! LMAO!

Sarah and Jenny...Oh, Jenny. Poor thing. Actually, I feel worse for Georgie. *shakes head*

OMG! The fight is PRICELESS! Oh, girls. Now if their fights on the show were like this...BRILLIANT!

You make me love BS, Sharon. I don't think I love them in anything else as I do here!

And the Minions YAY
D chapter 12 . 2/22/2011
Great story. Hope you update more often.
Volleyball10 chapter 12 . 2/21/2011
great story! update soon!
Noirreigne chapter 12 . 2/20/2011
YAY! I am so excited you updated! Now I just need to get you to work on Aftershock and I would die happy. :D

I really like you you decided to end it. It makes me wish I had the next chapter NOW! Hopefully, you will be inspired and manage to finish it ASAP!
Dance Elle Dance chapter 11 . 12/19/2009
This fic is pure brilliance! I've loved every chapter and I really hope you update soon. Amazing work. Can't wait for your next update! :)
d1421 chapter 11 . 5/3/2009
You left it on such a cliffhanger! I'm really enjoying this fic. Gah. The writers definitely didn't do as good of a job in S1 as you did! I mean their plot was so anticlimactic. This is way, way more interesting. I noticed you haven't updated in a while, but I hope you find inspiration for a new chapter soon!
tallames chapter 1 . 11/12/2008
Thanks for writing! I can tell how much hard work you put into your fanfic and it shows. Can't wait to read more.
dazzledlight chapter 11 . 9/18/2008


So much is happening! I can't seem to process them right now!





God. I have died right now. He's adorable. He really is. Great thinker too by the way.


See? My thoughts are so disorganized now.

The poem. Ed's poem.

It fit so perfectly here. You made it fit so perfectly. OMG. How -? Wha -?


I admire you. You made the poem twist into Georgina's way of nailed it right there.

You know, sometimes I wonder just how exactly do you do it?

I bow down to you.

My heart is melting at Chuck.

He is the type of guy who'd be protective for his family. I love the ChuckSerena team up.

Though, I don't think I'd like seeing it on telly for real because Serena is just ticking me off these days with her face and her unexplainable actions. I'm just ticked. And so, if this were to happen on the actual show, I think I'd just gag. *rips Serena's hair out* She's pissing me off, iono why. Have I mentioned.

Of course here, it's so much more different. Actually very acceptable. Here, I like S teaming up with C. But still too... iono...UGH. It just doesnt fit right! haha.

OOH. Blair's cute. As usual, she always cracks me up. She's so crushing on Chuck, making fun of him and his scarf like that.

OOh and she so got caught by Chuck himself.

AAH. .dies.


What's going to happen next?

Will things finally be out in the open?

AHH! I'm going insane. My thoughts are so disorganized now all i can do is scream.


Dont stop there.

OMG. I want to cry, it's killing me. hahaha.

UPDATE please! AAHH.

thanks for this.

sorry i'm alittle late.

love it.

dazzledlight chapter 10 . 9/18/2008
Oh silly me. You have updated. I just haven't seen it. haha.

till now.


You know you are a great writer? You know that right? No joke. Hands down. So good that you have officially put me in my place.

You know how everyone's always telling me to make Blair tell Chuck already about her heart thing (refering to Hope Remains)? Okay, now I know how EVERYBODY else feels, you know the readers.


I'm going to turn out to be such a hypocrite but I just. CANT. TAKE. IT. ANYMORE.

Uhm... so here goes...

Please let Chuck know about Blair?


I think I'm going to cry.


OH OH. The fight scene was brilliant. It's actually something I think they'd actually SAY if ever this were to happen. It's pure brilliance. Great idea! :D

You know...I just think that Georgina's head has malfunctioned so much over the years that it's made her become into a psychopathic genius. Seriously that is what you make me think everytime I read G's bit here in Atonement.

okay okay. i'm going to shutup now.

need to read next chapter.


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