Reviews for Chink in the Chain
hailee chapter 39 . 2/2/2015
Next chapter please
firerose132 chapter 39 . 7/3/2013
omg i wish i had a boyfriend like that ! :'( who cares if he is tyhe death of me lol :D cute kawaiiiii !
CallousCrescendo chapter 1 . 7/7/2008
Loved it!
Daiyu Amaya chapter 38 . 6/3/2008
its Almost like Raito is going crazy...
Daiyu Amaya chapter 36 . 5/30/2008
I loved this alot it was nice to read, even thought it was so sad.
Daiyu Amaya chapter 22 . 5/30/2008
aw so sad.
Eiri and Kurama lover07 chapter 36 . 5/27/2008
please for the love of god tell me you are going to bring L back some way. i have never begged anyone for anything in my life before(i'm a very proud person) but i'm begging you dont keep L DEAD! god please... i will worship the ground you walk on, if you give my obsession life once more. and yes L Lawliet is my life and obsession. thanks and please consider my plea.

Dannifersure chapter 36 . 5/27/2008
lol yea the last chap was a little confusing but yea glad to hear no light and matsuda lol but yea great chapter none the less
galaxy chapter 34 . 5/27/2008
It is a very well writen story indeed (even though it was become a little confusing some time. I would advise you on one thing though. Change the Romance/General to Romance/Angst. Because there is a lot of angst in this story and people should know of it.

Other than that, congratulatios on a job well done!
MyBrokenFantasy chapter 34 . 5/21/2008
I cried my head off, beautiful-beautiful... Loved the final chapter. I can't even see my screen, that's how hard I was crying..
LustAndVengeance chapter 34 . 5/20/2008
Gehh! 3' *cries* [ [ [ [ [ [ [

“L, goodbye. I can’t say I love you any longer, but I did.” *cries harder*

Damn it, it made me cry!

Ahh I knew that'd happen *sniff*

So well written.. jeez, you have better English than I do -.-

Ahh so sad damn it! 3
MyBrokenFantasy chapter 31 . 5/16/2008
i loved this chapter, it was so beautiful. i can't wait for you to update.
Dannifersure chapter 30 . 5/14/2008
This story is really good and yea i think u should finish it cause even though its going to be sad its going to give it more of a sence of ending then the last chapter would have, great job by the way i bet the last chapter will be just as great if not better then the rest of the story
LustAndVengeance chapter 30 . 5/14/2008


この物語大好きです。 3
MyBrokenFantasy chapter 29 . 5/13/2008
whoa momma, that was HOT!.. - nosebleed - I loved it, whoo update soon, can't wait to read more.
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