Reviews for Mommy's Here
Erun1 chapter 2 . 12/7/2012
Evil Kakuzu! Konan should be with hmm... Kakuzu then Pein's heart is broken as well as his mind, and knowing that he will resort to being a child again soon anyway, he attempts suicide. O.O if you don't try it, I sure as hell will.
Erun1 chapter 1 . 12/7/2012
It's a bit awkward to see Pein so childish, but I love it so much. - so cute too.
Please update soon!
xXxSummerxXxRainxXx chapter 2 . 10/11/2010
Holy crap... this story had me crying! TTTT Especially when Pein 'woke up'. When Konan went to see Kakazu...I think i might start crying again. / Reminds me of Edward, Bella, and Jacob from twilight...(the book i just finished.)This is just...awesome.

But it was beautifully written. Please don't stop the story like this! Please continue this and make another chapter! :')*sniff*
AngelAmongDemons chapter 1 . 9/11/2009
Are you EVER going to continue this or is it done! I really want to see another chapter and I love this story but its been so long! Are you planning on finishing it? I want to see more so bad D It really sucks just to imagine how it will go rather then see it in a new chapter, please continue this! D
AngelAmongDemons chapter 2 . 2/26/2009
Gah, it's so sad! Poor Konan, so confused and hurting poor Kuzu by running back to Pain... This is a great fic and I want to see more! KakuzuxKonan is my all-time favorite pairing and I love the moments shared between them! I hope she chooses Kakuzu... Anyway, please make a new chapter!
AlchemicNinja26844 chapter 2 . 2/19/2009
Aw What is going to Happen to little Pein now! OH poor Baby! He so cute and Inosent!
carlmuz chapter 1 . 11/16/2008
Great chapter! It made me cry...

Poor Konan
Random chapter 2 . 8/21/2008
O wow... Who knew Konan could be so... so... desperate? It's the most fitting word I can think of... Gee... I don't know whether to be "Stupid! Stop cheating on them eventually you'll end up hurting them!" or "... Is that really you Konan? Gee... make up your mind."

In other words... I like this story. Truthfully I just got into the whole Akatsuki thing today, so I've been reading a few fics, but this one... m. It's interesting. Please update.
iamofthedesert chapter 2 . 8/13/2008


i love it! X) X(
Mushiku chapter 2 . 7/27/2008
Please update soon! This story is very, very good and i can't wait to find out what happens next! :3
XxKitsunexX chapter 1 . 7/12/2008
So far so good!

Love the idea of pein reverting back to child mentality!

As i said before love it so fr and cant wait for the update!
Temporarily in Hiding chapter 2 . 6/20/2008
Ah! So Konan is a two-timer, eh? Can't make up her mind, it would probably keep on going like that, so I won't beg for another chapter, although i think the more logical choice would be Kakuzu.

Once again this story is touching, i almost cried. You make the characters so real, I could almost hear the sharpness, bitterness, and the feeling of bein betrayed in Kakuzu's voice when Konan had rushed back to Pein.

Put a new chapter would be nice. _
Temporarily in Hiding chapter 1 . 6/20/2008
T.T omg, this is so sad... And i never wouldve entertained the thought of Kakuzu/Konan, but it just seems to fit somehow...
Little Kunai chapter 2 . 5/21/2008
update soon please?
Ayase Reincarnated chapter 2 . 5/5/2008
it's an incredible ferver of emotions that is so well written!

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