Reviews for The New Adventures of Darkwing Duck
Dogg Luver chapter 40 . 6/26/2019
Wow these stories are amazing! Darkworrior is creepy.
NegaDuck and the Fearsome Five are great along with NegaGos and the oc Rowe.
Some of the stories got a little bit dark but I like stories, movies and TV shows that get dark. After all my favorite movie is The Dark Knight.
You are a very good writer and they are enjoyable to read.
Do you do requests or story suggestions?
I'm just asking because I have a few ideas for a few Darkwing Duck fanfiction some witch takes place in this fanfiction and some don't.
1.(This story is for this fic) I hope you had read the Darkwing Duck comics particularly issues 1-8 if not you can read them free online.
So in this story another portal opens and sucks Crimson,Techno,and Launchpad into it.
While in this demention they meet Quiverwing Duck (in this demention Drake Mallred aka Darkwing Duck and Gosalyn Mallard aka Quiverwing Qauck while being Father and daughter they were also like Batman and Robin a dynamic duo.
Until one day while on a mission Quiverwing Qauck was killed.
In her honor Drake became Quiverwing Duck.
Also in this universe Darkworrior Duck is Quiverwing Duck's greatest foe like NegaDuck and DW are. But it's for different reasons because they turned out so different of when they their own daughters (Gosalyn).
Quiverwing is still a hero Darkworrior became a evil dictator. They also serve as parralles to one another.
Also in the Quiververse instead of being the director of S.H.U.S.H is police commissioner and there's also detective Grizlykoff who doesn't trust Quiverwing Duck because he's a vigellente.
When Quiverwing See's Gosalyn at first he thinks it's a trick but once he hears her story and that she is from a different universe he doesn't think that way anymore.
Anyway Crimson,Tech, and LP help QW catch Darkworrior and he helps them find a way to get them back in universe.
2.(This story is not going to be part of this fic) In this story World War 3 is going on and just like what happened during the first 2 world wars there's a draft.
So Drake Mallred and Fintin Cochshell are drafted to war.
Things get really bad when Drake and Fintin are captured by the ememies. So Drake and Fintin work together and try to escape the war prison.
3.(this takes place in this fic) Fintin Cockshell aka GizmoDuck is retiring and now Huey Duck is the new GizmoDuck. And Crimson and Techno team up with the new GizmoDuck to fight Magicia De Spell and the Fearsome Five.
4.(This story is an au based on the Marvel Cinamatic Universe or the MCU. Those are the movies like Iron Man 1-3, The Avengers movies, Captian America, , Black Panther, Thor, and a lot of Marvel characters.) So this story is based on Captian America: Civil War only it's with the Justice Ducks not the avengers.
So while saving the world the Justice Ducks causes some buildings to get damaged and unintentionally injuring innocent people.
So S.H.U.S.H decided to like make a deal were the Justice Ducks join them and only do super hero work when they are needed by the government or S.H.U.S.H.
The problem is some people on the team agree to do it and the other half of the team is against it.
And what shocks everyone is that Darkwing is the first to sign the agreement. It's because while on mission to stop bomb in one of St. Canard's tallest buildings and failed but his Daughter Gosalyn got badly injured that she's in a comma at the St. Canard's hospital.
This makes him think that it's for the best to sign the agreement.
But GizmoDuck is against it and thinks it'll just get in the way of them doing good and helping people.
5.(This is another au based on my favorite Broadway musical Les Miserables and it's with the whole Disney afternoon characters. If you had not seen the musical there are theater productions of it on YouTube and the sound track is on there too there's also a movie based on the musical with Hugh Jackman as the main character)
So I got a few people for the cast...
Drake Mallred as Jean Valjean.
Gosalyn as Cosette (Jean's adopted daughter)
Morgana as Fontene
And Share Khan as Javier.
6.(This take place in this fic) in order for this fic to work you would have to see DuckTales 2017 and it's last few episodes about Della Duck ( Huey, Dewey and Louie's mom) and the episode The Duck Knight Returns.
So anyway in this story another portal is opened and it brings DW, Crimson,Techno, Launchpad, and the Fearsome Five to the DuckTales 2017 universe.
They meet this universe's Drake Mallred and his 10 year old daughter and son who are Gosalyn and Honker (in this universe Honker is mute and can't speak).
Also I think it would be interesting if Drake and Della are dating.
They all try to stop the Fearsome Five and DuckTales 2017's version of NegaDuck.
Please do these Story ideas.
Oh my birthday is coming up on July 10th so maybe you can do half of these stories for my birthday.
BillCipher1234 chapter 26 . 11/6/2018
this is awsome
AJ the BlueJay chapter 85 . 5/5/2018
Well, this was a pleasant surprise. The first DWD fic I ever read was Darkwing Duck Returns, and this sequel provided me many hours of enjoyment. I’m so happy to see it continuing on and I’m excited to read Known Unknown’s take on this massive universe. Good to hear from you again!
damonika2009 chapter 85 . 5/4/2018
Yeass! Welcome back!
cryshardy chapter 85 . 5/4/2018
OH MY GOSH! This is such great news! This series has always been my go-to when I was having some down days. But to know that this is still continuing, I’ll let you know, you just made my day. I will definitely be spreading the news. I’m just glad that someone wanted to pick it back up. I remember even sending you a message way back when, saying that I wish I was a better writer to do so. I’m excited to see what Known Unknown’s got instore for us!
Dwrocks9 chapter 84 . 6/24/2014
Hello Schypi, This is my first and I guess last review of your work. I just wanted to thank you so much for putting your all into your series. I have been a fan of darkwing duck since the good old days when it was on TV. For years I wondered what could have happened with the series and then I came across your NADWD and though I haven't read the series before this one. I can say that you have truly captured the spirit of Darkwing. I'm sad that it ended, especially after such an epic story arc. Though I know life gets hard and you have your own life to follow. Anyways I just want to thank you for the time you have given me to relive the spirit of Darkwing. I hope you will find that you have inspired a lot of people.
Pulpomolcagetero chapter 84 . 6/20/2014
I understand what you must be going, but if we take into consideration what it is to be devoted to work and the obligation of your life outside the internet, I go through the same, to the extent that it is complicated, but one thing I you did was remind us of the love for these characters, if you ever find the way back to get the comfortable slippers (I mean back to this story) podrar do, if only to find a way to complete it in a way that makes you feel satisfied, be soon or in the future, and strives to write, for your enjoyment and joy of heart, for that he has given us the gift of speech, to the delight of our souls. I wish you happiness.
Dawn Totadile chapter 84 . 6/7/2014
Really wish you hadn't ended it, but I understand. I'm going to make drawings based off of this when I have the time and was hoping to post them on Deviant art with your permission? I was thinking one scene per chapter, even for the episodes you never aired. How about it? I'll start it up if you say I can...
acosta perez jose ramiro chapter 84 . 5/25/2014
Whoa… you really had a lot of plans for this story. I understand why you're finishing it, of course; I hadn't been writing fics regularly precisely because I lack the time, and I'm mostly focusing on drawing pics in Deviant Art these days.

Congrats for such a wonderful story, and all these years you gave us, the readers, such great chapters and new adventures of the Masked Mallard of Mystery.

So long, thanks again, and keep the good writing.
acosta perez jose ramiro chapter 83 . 5/25/2014
Heh, Launchpad is a brony… join the herd, bro.

Very good updating here, and, as usual, excellent references and scenes. As for MIT, my guess is that someone there knows Herb, and they don't want a Muddlefoot around.

Keep the good writing.
Bookworm Gal chapter 84 . 5/24/2014
While it is sad to see this wonderful story draw to a close, I understand why that must happen. This is a wonderful and long tale that I deeply enjoyed reading and I am thankful that you took the time to summarize what you intended to do with this story if you had continued. I especially smiled at the idea of bringing Gene from the DuckTales movie into the story. Regardless, thanks for the wonderful adventures. Your work has been amazing and inspirational (I know one writer who said that reading your tales prompted them to write about the Negaverse). So if this is truly the end, please know that it was a wild and fantastic ride. So thanks for the story.
cryshardy chapter 84 . 5/24/2014
Wow, that's all I can say. Just wow! I'm sad that you are ending my favorite story, but I completely understand. Stories got to end sometime and it was time for this one to close. I was just rereading the story for a second time when I got a notification that you updated. And I am happy that you ended it like you did, giving us the ideas that you had but leaving it up for our minds to form all that happens. Would I love to possibly pick this up, of course. But I don't think I will ever be able to do it like you do. Thank you so much for writing these stories. They will always be my favorite out of all the stories I have read. You are a very talented writer, you got into the characters brains. Thank you again! :D
Wolvmbm chapter 84 . 5/24/2014
While I must admit I am sorry to see you go, I am glad to see that you given out the details of how this series would have been finished. :)

I must say I did enjoy seeing that Darkwing would retire from crimefighting becasue he was married and have a child now is a true reasonable excuse. :)

Nice detailing on Gos's future as well and her marriage to Honker. :)

Great idea bringing back some old Ducktales characters from their one time movie as well as reminding the readers of Launchpad's past as a son of a Stunt family. :)

Would we ever knew the true Identity of Darkwing's nwe sidekick before Rowe or was it left mysterious ?

The wedding would have been a great way to end the series at that time, but the future adventures were interesting as well. :)

Thank you so much for such a great tale from start to finsh.

Wherever your future leads you, I hope it would be a great one. ;)
Dawn Totadile chapter 83 . 4/13/2014
Oh man you had better come up with that new directer! I can't stand the suspense! I'm sad Hooter had to leave, but hey, he made it this long and that's more than anyone probably thought of the old bird. DW had a nice comment for the press though. I liked it. Really hope you write up the next chapter. I can't wait! Here's to wishing Nega Gosalyn good luck on helping her world and that Techno actually marries Crimson later on and all, same with Launchpad and Mia as well as DW and Chris. :D
Dawn Totadile chapter 82 . 4/13/2014
:D Oh man you gave me a heart attack, I thought she was gonna bite it again, whew...
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