Reviews for Wired
JennLark chapter 4 . 5/4/2016
so sad! Feel so alone for Sam
Jaddis chapter 4 . 5/26/2014
Whenever Sammy gets hurt, it always seems to go one of two ways: They turn into this happy, little family that's out of character, or John remains a stubborn S.O.B and nothing changes. While something has changed among the three of them, it's never going to be acknowledged, so in a way, they're back in the same old pattern.
Frakking Toasters chapter 4 . 11/27/2013
This was absolutely heartbreaking, but amazingly good. I loved every word. I think you really "got" each character, and as is often the case, my heart broke for Sam. Really loved it. xo
Jankjay chapter 4 . 4/7/2013
Such a nice story. Thank you for sharing it.
Guest chapter 4 . 1/12/2013
This leaves me angry with the world . . . will written.
sami1010220 chapter 4 . 11/8/2012
wow, that, quite an ending. i don't know what word i would use to describe it, because it's not unresolved, it's just...god, i have no idea. it's great though. you know everything isn't perfect, and you know exactly how it's going to turn out, but getting the thoughts, feelings, and history behind the story are just was great, it really was. i felt especially moved by the second to last scene in this chapter, where sam talks about how alone he feels. fantastic job!
3DBABE1999 chapter 4 . 10/8/2012
"Okay," Dean was saying. "A five letter word for alienation."

Sam just closed his eyes, turning his head away, and he knew the word immediately: alone.

I think you just tore out my heart, ripped it to bits, stamped the bits into the ground then burned them, leaving me a bawling mess with just two sentences! I cried, boy did I cry! I think the "alone" and all the angst, sadness and LONELINESS in just that one word and how that moment pretty much summed up Sam's destined future (His dad dying, Dean dying (Sorry if you haven't seen Season 3 (Don't worry Dean comes back in Season 4)!) and his own going into The Cage (Again Sorry if you haven't seen Season 5.. BUT he comes back in Season 6!) is what did it. BRILLIANT writing!
SupernaturallyEgocentric chapter 4 . 10/5/2012
Wonderful story. Great POVs, all three of them.
lanternheart chapter 4 . 12/4/2011
I demand a sequal.


"How about a four letter word for slacker?" his father prompted from the front.


Honestly, I immediately thought "Dean" xD
ArmedWithMyComputer chapter 1 . 7/27/2011
Hey :) I just found this story, and I really like it! This is one of my favourite stories out there, because its so well written and because i feel so bad for Sam! Great job :D

~ ArmedWithMyComputer xxx
twomom chapter 4 . 10/17/2010
All I can say is wow. I just found this story and it was so compelling as all your stories are. I love how you write these characters. You make John seem so real instead of mean and hateful like a lot of writers do. I don't see John that way at all. I see him the way you have written him. Thanks so much.
anka-x chapter 4 . 4/12/2010
Being the littlest of my family, knowing that you never get out of that category even when you near your thirties, and being brought up by a father that was a controll freak altough he meant well; I can't forget this line of your story: "...The same wound that flared up every time his family downplayed his interests, ignored his desire to do well in school, failed to recognize what was important to him. ...Nothing had changed. He was still the youngest son that needed to be protected, that needed to fall in line. He just had to be alive so they could both do their jobs. But they still didn't get him, and nothing-not injury or peril-would ever change that." You get thorough me always. You punch a line that is inside my very soul when you write like this? How do you do this? How can you write like this? How can you write so well about these emotions?
Harbour Master chapter 1 . 11/2/2009
DEEAAN! Oh, I love this. I love how guilty and protective of Sam you've written him. Gah, super loved.
Tashilovet chapter 1 . 10/9/2009
Ah, finally I got my pathetic self to review. Don't worry, I'll go back and review the others I've neglected. I made an oath, after all...

I don't know why, but these type of fics are my favorites. I've only recently started to read Supernatural fics and I found I've zeroed in on the Limp!Sam ones. Even more, I found the Limp!TeenageSam ones especially delicious. I feel especiallt bad for Sam because as a lot of us, I'm sure, were trying to get OUT of school, Sam was desperately trying to STAY in school. I don't know if it's because of the normalcy or just love of an education and I would really like to see you make that difference more obvious. Or maybe it's both. Hm...

Well anyhoo, off to chapter two!
Shannanigans chapter 4 . 7/19/2009
So tense! Really well told.
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