Reviews for The Only Difference
Lola chapter 26 . 2/26/2019
Just read the whole thing. Best fanfiction out there
Lola chapter 26 . 2/26/2019
This is amazing
trufflesun chapter 26 . 9/28/2018
Amazing! (Who's chopping onions?)
JBrocks917 chapter 26 . 6/14/2018
Loved it! I loved everything about this. And thank you for introducing me to the wonderful world of hurt/comfort Fred and George fics.
freowyn chapter 26 . 3/24/2017
Hi! I'm aware this fic is kind of ancient but I thought I'd leave a short review anyway to let you know that I enjoyed reading it! (:
I love the ideas behind this fic, both George constantly comparing himself to Fred and suffering because of it (because i think a lot of siblings and friends do that, and i reckon it'd be even worse for twins), and the fact that guys can have EDs as well, which is an important point.
And it was very well written too! :D So thank you for giving me something to fell my evening with!
time-travelling teacup chapter 26 . 3/15/2017
One of my favourite fanfics ever, by far. I love how you handled the topic of eating disorders, and how you showed that even the seemingly happiest and most confident of people can secretly deal with them. Definitely captured my interest immediately, well-written, and I literally could not stop reading! Thank you for this!
Guest chapter 26 . 7/2/2015
This was really entertaining and you really got the reactions and actions of the characters perfectly. You captured my attention and held it. Loved your story, x me
Nameless chapter 26 . 6/18/2015
Great story, I loved it so much! :)
Yvonne Park chapter 26 . 6/7/2014
This was a really good story. I enjoyed reading it. I think you did a really good job with everything. I know you explained why you didn't go into his recovery, but geeze. I've been reading a lot of stories with eating disorders, and none of them cover the recovery. I would really like to read one that has that element in it. Haha oh well, you did a great job anyway. Thanks for the story! :)

PerSonNee chapter 26 . 9/8/2013
I loved reading your story! I think the ED subject is really interesting/important to read about, you never know who in your entourage has it :) Thank you for sharing your beautiful story!
Guest chapter 26 . 4/16/2013
wow. this was moving.
Lydoodle chapter 26 . 3/31/2013
Oh my goodness that was so good! I just HAD to read all of it (so I'm sorry I didn't review the other chapters, but I will if you want!) and I'm so glad I stuck with it till the end! It's clear you worked so hard on this - it's so well written and really heart-wrenching! It was painful to read what George was putting himself through, not to mention how helpless Fred was in that situation... there was so much angst but the ending was wonderful and everything it needed to be and realistic - which is so important, especially when you see other fics which are meant to be about important issues like ED's and end up being complete rubbish, and I have to assure that this fic is certainly NOT rubbish at all. Thank you so much for writing this! :D
Midnightmadness7 chapter 21 . 3/25/2013
I really enjoy this!
The403yearold chapter 14 . 3/13/2013
"I can't believe I don't know, and he's my twin. More than that, he's my brother."

Personally I think twin and brother should be swapped round.

I like how it is progressing.
The403yearold chapter 5 . 3/13/2013
"He quickly lowered his arms and looked at Fred who was grinning evilly. He knew that tickling and/or poking me in the ribs was my weak spot."

I think you switched from 3rd to 1st person there, which was rather confusing.

Other than that, I really like the concept.
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