Reviews for Make a Wish
Marionette of Ancient Relics chapter 16 . 3/5/2019
CosmicxAngel chapter 16 . 4/20/2018
Okay, pros and cons:
Pros: This story does provide a good relationship dynamic between Cloud and Leon for regarding adult to child. Out of everyone, Cloud is the one who steps up most when it comes to caring and taking care of Squall/Leon and it's very sweet, despite the fact his boyfriend had nearly been erased and taken away from him for good. He steps up and does most of the work, protecting everyone. Squall as a kid is the most adorable piece of cuteness portrayed and I like how he's innocent through the story. Plus the grammar and spelling in this fic is excellent.

Cons: The women in this fic seem too careless and aggressive. I mean, I know magic exist and everything, but I was hoping Yuffie to feel even the slightest guilt for fucking it up big time. What if Squall never did turn back? She's not my favorite at all, and this maybe just me, but she plays around too much as doesn't do anything to make up for it. And even so, her and the rest of the girls pretty much didn't do much to care for Squall but play around and dressing him like a doll. I was at least expecting Aerith to do better besides cooking and giving news. Also, I'm not sure where exactly this is taking place. Is is before KH2 in Hollow Bastion? I don't like to guess time and place.

Overall, I give this a 5.5/10, if only for child Squall and Cloud interaction alone. This fic is cute but I wouldn't read it again because there's not enough Strifeheart love for me to get over the nitpick.
silverheartlugia2000 chapter 16 . 7/29/2016
X3 yuffie had to get the last laugh. Aww but clouds not the short one in the family anymoreXD
silverheartlugia2000 chapter 15 . 7/29/2016
Awe..I didn't know Wolfbird could drawX3
silverheartlugia2000 chapter 14 . 7/29/2016
Oooohh that don't sound good..
silverheartlugia2000 chapter 12 . 7/29/2016
Omg that game was so cute!
silverheartlugia2000 chapter 10 . 7/29/2016
XD but bugging gramps is fun! Yay more flying! I like how you give cloud little feral hints in his behavior, (I'm a sucker for itX3) gotta wonder though if it's from hojo or getting warped by darkness.. Might be a neat idea if he got lost in that for a while actually.. Aww they're both just little kids hidden away in depressed hero shells.. Though seeing him happy *cough mischievous cough* kinda makes me wonder if he paled around with zack like this;-;
silverheartlugia2000 chapter 9 . 7/29/2016
Dawww ~ yeah I guess being a lab rat does that to ya, but squall always kinda seemed that way I think? (Haven't played it my self just watched HC Bailey..)
silverheartlugia2000 chapter 7 . 7/29/2016
*claps* I love it when people put his mako/darkness powers to use! I still don't know why kh decided to give him a wing, but now that I've see crisis core it sorta fits. (Plus I have a weakness for winged or mutant charictersX3)
Akane chapter 3 . 7/28/2016
Awwww kitten! Ahhh loving this so far x3 Leon/Squall is sooo cute!
Suezanne chapter 16 . 7/17/2015
that's awesome
silverheartlugia2000 chapter 4 . 7/17/2013
XD and yet clouds little crossdressing adventure isnt mentioned
sadistic-neko chapter 16 . 4/15/2013
So, so cute.
Windform chapter 1 . 5/13/2012
I actually read this quite some time ago. I remember it was completely adorable though. It was interesting having Leon not return to his former self exactly.
Helena Vera chapter 16 . 6/4/2011
i think... im gonna cry *teartear*! that was so damn CUTE! i love it!
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