Reviews for Mutant Television
red chapter 1 . 3/9/2019
I was laughing so hard my brother started giving me weird looks! amazing fic even though i normally don't like ones like this i found this one hilarious.
dudebladeX chapter 1 . 11/21/2014
"Mystique tries to reconnect with her kids"
That's an original, and a sitcom I could get behind.
AnthonyR89 chapter 1 . 10/5/2014
this story's good for a laugh. and the end to Rosanne was just as stupid as the dream sequence endings you mentioned.
masruiiiik chapter 1 . 3/7/2011
Honestly? Why do you keep forgetting or purposfully leaving out Tabby? :(

Oh, and you know that other story you wrote where the X-Geeks went to the Brotherhood house for a barbeque and ended up eating roadkill? Yeah, there's that part where Tabby makes Pietro take her to the mall to go shopping? Yeah, can you please write the two of them going on an outing? I'm seriously dying of Tabby/Pietro moments withdrawel. It's sad. Please?

BTW, love your story, per usual. :P

Tons of love,

princess phoenix spice diva chapter 1 . 7/12/2009
PPSD: Zippy you crazy penguin! *knocks Zippy outcold; goes over to comfort Nightcrawler*

NIGHTCRAWLER: *gratefully hugs me* Mein heroine!
Sorakage Sama chapter 1 . 2/25/2009

Funniest. Fic. Ever.

Enough said.
Rogue238 chapter 1 . 6/3/2008
lol hilarious stuff here. I don't ccare if it's rehashed. You have a good why of rehashing. XD Love the giraffe attacking Scooterdink, er Scott. lol (Sorry that's a joke from a story of mine that was also rehashed. lol) Scott bashing is always funny. Good work!
rogue-scholar07 chapter 1 . 6/1/2008
LOL! Awesome!
Kiel88 chapter 1 . 6/1/2008
I loved it. Kudos for all of the shout-out to odd TV endings. I like how you have moved the X-men Evolution universe along, tying in with Misfits and the comics. It's really been fun to read.
Theodore Hawkwood chapter 1 . 6/1/2008
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Brilliant, Red Witch, absolutely brilliant. Scott being attacked by a Giraffe is a mental picture that will forever amuse me for the rest of my days. Not to mention the return of the penguin stalker...
turbomagnus chapter 1 . 5/31/2008
I dunno, I actually think Toad has a good idea here - can't be any worse than what's on TV anyway...
ColdFusion180 chapter 1 . 5/31/2008
Great job! Yes, being mauled by a giraffe is not a nice experience. Wonder what Magneto and Xavier are doing these times. Maybe filming them with hidden cameras in preparation for their own show? Nice work!
Stormshadow13 chapter 1 . 5/31/2008
Ha! Love your tv stuff!
Requiem17 chapter 1 . 5/31/2008
somehow at the end of all of these fics everyone just ends up screaming. don't you just love it?

iceman was gay on the simpsons? hahahahahahhahahahahaha that was the best part. that whole argument.

and ya. tv definitely can get really annoying. ESPECIALLY reality shows. (but i love jon stewart, steven colbert, and house)
sailormoon846212 chapter 1 . 5/31/2008
Hey, awsome job! It was so totally funny! You should make a sequel.