Reviews for Kisu ShiteMo ii
gust chapter 1 . 12/24/2011
5 years apart
Jazzy Uchiha chapter 1 . 8/15/2011
It's cute, I think there's a 5 year age difference between the two, but who cares, this was adorable
Kaira-chan15 chapter 1 . 8/4/2009
Aww this was really cute and sweet. Yay for Uchiha fluff! :D I also like the end, where Fugaku actually was really cool about them devouring the brownies, and how he was like "they're just kids". I thought that was a really sweet twist, cuz no one usually portrays him like that. Good job! _

Favorite parts:

Sasuke winced and grumbled, rubbing his forehead about to say something but stopped when he saw Itachi plop a brownie in his mouth. Yeah, now he remembered! The brownies were still edible! “Five second rule Itachi!”

“Buddha says that if you don't get your rest then you won't be able to have brownies ever again. Not even tomorrow.”

Sasuke put a hand over his mouth and giggled, suddenly letting out an innocent laugh. “Buddha didn't say that nii-san! He loves brownies!”

Instead of waiting for an answer he did just as his mommy did with him when he was sad and pecked him clumsily on the lips brushing lose strands away from Itachi's eyes. “Feel better little one.” Sasuke whispered, blushing and flopped on his side promptly falling to sleep snoring softly to himself.
sasukenurullover chapter 1 . 4/28/2009
Haha! Where did little Sasuke learn those lover's word? The story is overall good!
BatsyLady chapter 1 . 7/30/2008
aww this one was so cute i loved it - giggle -
Hinata C. Blue chapter 1 . 6/5/2008
sasuke and itachi are 5 years apart :P
Sora Keyblader chapter 1 . 6/3/2008
ah this is what I hate about japanese! XD

They have so many ways of saying things! xD

They even have lover's language? DX

Aw, and I wanted to learn it do bad!
PastaSentient chapter 1 . 6/2/2008
Aw. how cute. Very sweet story. It might have worked better if you had made Itachi and sasuke younger. By this time Itachi had already developed his cold mask. Good story though.

The Kyuubi maiden chapter 1 . 6/2/2008
this was so cute! u should so write a another!