Reviews for Waiting for that Day
Deadzepplin chapter 7 . 4/14/2012
YAY! I love the Eli Maggie pair
Ser Dinadan chapter 7 . 9/25/2011
Absolutely fantastic.
boidwriter chapter 7 . 1/14/2011
Such a great story. I really miss Eli and this gave me a little taste again. Thanks.

You wrote all the characters very well, but I love the way you write Frank the really captured his character.
boidwriter chapter 5 . 1/14/2011
The interaction about the paint and Franks comment "Whatever floats your boat, dude." Oh my goodness that was funny. Good chapter.
boidwriter chapter 4 . 1/14/2011
I guiltily confess to having read up to this chapter without reviewing...I was just enjoying the story. But this chapter was sooo funny and cute - in particular the song vision.

You write the characters very well, especially the interactions between Nate and Eli, Matt and Eli, Frank and Eli - oh...everyone actually.

Great choice of song for the vision...and I could imagine this type of vision happening to Eli in such a public place as a coffee shop. And of nailed the exit from the vision back to reality - exactly what would happen.

I miss Eli Stone...thanks for the little taste of it.
Potterworm chapter 7 . 7/13/2009
good story
Ninavs2 chapter 7 . 9/28/2008
Aw...amazing...Love the show/love this couple! Great job!
rajen48 chapter 7 . 7/27/2008
WOW. Perfect Eli Stone fic (: Great writing, very much in character, realistic plot, and absolutely what I'd love to happen when the show comes back. I love it.
singyourmelody chapter 7 . 7/16/2008
Um, I absolutely LOVED it! You capture the characters so well, and I love that you incorporated a musical number into the story, since it's such a big part of the show.

I'm going off to read all of your other eli stone fics. There really need to be more of them. Hint hint. :)
Jonesyfu chapter 7 . 7/15/2008
"Eli took in a deep breath, still staring at her... It was all there, at arm's length. He just had to reach out and take it – to take a leap of faith. He closed his eyes, silencing the confusion and doubt. When he opened them again Maggie's gaze was fixed on his. Then Eli Stone uttered the single word that would determine his future..."

(shuddering intake of breath...)-Wow. Beautiful job! I loved how true your characters rang and how swiftly yet delicately your plot flowed. You could seriously write for this show, which is saying something b/c I think it's one of the best out there right now! Keep it up, and thanks for a great read!
AlysanneLake chapter 7 . 7/12/2008

You need to write another one. This was brilliant. Until ABC picks up the show again, I'll need to get my fix somehow.
AlysanneLake chapter 6 . 7/12/2008
Wow, this is really good. So good, in fact, that all my addled brain can muster is...

AlysanneLake chapter 1 . 7/12/2008
Okay, first off, of all the shows I've seen lately, and I've been hooked by a bunch, this was the best.

Secondly, you nailed these characters from this first chapter. I hope the rest don't disappoint. The dialogue is perfect.
arbitraryink chapter 7 . 6/9/2008
Ah! I go away for ONE weekend and you finish the last four chapters of the story! Well, I won't go back and review every chapter, so I'll try to encompass all the praise into one skimpy review.

While it's obvious that the highest point of the story is Eli finally accepting his (totally obvious) love for Maggie, everything that led up to that point was fascinating. You wrote with such conviction, and it was obvious that you knew exactly in which direction you wanted this story to go.

Playing so many romantic couples into chapter four's vision was quite fun - it gave the fic DEFINITE direction (in case we couldn't already tell) and continued colour in all of Eli's stint with mega denial. His interactions with Maggie, his brother and Dr Chen only made the picture brighter ;)

I also loved how you wrote out his reaction to discovering the second aneurysm. Eli seemed defeated, depressed, and hopeless - he didn't just leap up and get over it like so many fictional characters tend to do. His reaction was very real, and having Maggie help him through the desolation was definitely ideal.

Well. I'm glad I stumbled across this fic! I hope that you choose to write more Eli Stone, whether it's a sequel (futurefic!) or simply a new take on the show.

It was great following this, and thanks!

- Jess
WhisperToMeSoftly chapter 7 . 6/9/2008
I loved it! Awesome job, dear, this was a really good read. :)

Going on my faves!
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