Reviews for A Study in Snapshots
Guest chapter 26 . 8/21/2019
IiI’m Iusacell
Book girl fan chapter 83 . 7/14/2017
So maybe he can't do deductions – but it takes some pretty keen smarts to work around it too!
Sirensbane chapter 83 . 6/8/2015
Oh that is cute.
marmota-b chapter 59 . 8/12/2014
Watson, with camera flashes being what they are, you're probably actually lucky you had your eyes closed...
I like that you address the - canonical and logical - uproar that Holmes' return caused.
marmota-b chapter 31 . 8/12/2014
Oh dear, he was up all night.
I love how much you put into so little words. Prompts are an extremely useful exercise, aren't they?
marmota-b chapter 16 . 8/12/2014
Very nice interpretation of the prompt!
marmota-b chapter 9 . 8/12/2014
Oh, this is so... sweet. Poor Watson, of course; but yes, he'll probably need something... like someone to clean up. You really did say the right thing, Holmes, even from a purely practical point of view, and of course, that's not even all there is to it.
marmota-b chapter 2 . 8/12/2014
"playing mediator between that genius and us mortals" - I like that. It's got both Lestrade's frustration with Holmes and his admiration for him.
And I like the detail of Watson's tanned fingers. Even if he'd already lost some of it over the time, it still has to be conspicuous in a city dweller like him.
Sidekicks-anonymous chapter 69 . 1/4/2014
Aw! :3 Small acts of kindness are what shows true friendship...
Book girl fan chapter 100 . 8/23/2012
I hate reading stories about them getting older, and eventually retiring, but I did enjoy these stories anyway. Great writing, and great stories. I liked them.
yamina-chan chapter 100 . 3/30/2012
Yet an other collection of yours that is worth reading )

And this one even with a form of continuing

Quite interesting, if I may say so, to get such a detailed view of time in only a few words each.

Tough I do have to say my favourite in this has to be one that is rather timeless: #83 - Shy
Holmesian chapter 84 . 6/1/2011
Awwww! Fluff attack..
Holmesian chapter 57 . 6/1/2011
Ugh indeed...
Holmesian chapter 52 . 6/1/2011
*sigh* Holmes... If I ever need to get my brother to listen to me for once, I'll call Holmes. Poor . Love your "snapshots so far.3
Holmesian chapter 8 . 6/1/2011
This one struck a chord-somewhere. I don't know why. It really touched me.
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