Reviews for A Mother's Love: The Life of Kushina
CagedHeart7 chapter 36 . 8/25
Nope. Not gonna read this and the next 4 chapters. Imma not a masochist. Well Ive been dropping reviews for so many chapters...its safe to conclude that this was an AMAYZING story. One of the best MinaKushi stories Ive read and it has many bonus marks cuz we've got THREE very nice different big complete stories as the epilogue and all of them end on a happy :) note ( I hope cuz the other version of AML is incomplete) . Thanks for such fantastic stories :)
CagedHeart7 chapter 35 . 8/25
There are few things I wish desperately had NOT the COVID pandemic, last year's earthquake..and well..MINATO'S DEATH! In all of your fanfics you have kept either Kushina or Minato alive and its very satisfying to know that this was a valiant effort to give Naruto a thousand times better childhood...but somehow it comforts me that they both died together. That though they got very very few years together on earth...they were united in death.
CagedHeart7 chapter 32 . 8/25
You know...I just realised...If Naruto ever asks Kushina how she and his dad fell in love (like he did in the anime) ...its gonna be one heck of an embarrasing experience for Kushina;)
CagedHeart7 chapter 19 . 8/25
Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa! Oh my gosh I was never the screaming squealing type of girl but this chapter HAD me! The end was superb! And Minato's DID HE DIE?!
CagedHeart7 chapter 15 . 8/25
I read A mother's love before reading this and when Naruto saved Shinzou and sent hime back to Kushina I was like ..."Oh thats a sweet reunion. But this author guy keeps on introducing more n more Uzumakis. Its straying more n more away from the real thing". But now after reading this I can truly appreciate the fact that he was at last saved and reunited with his little Kooky!
The ballsy ninja chapter 40 . 2/1
Amazing. Truly amazing I love u so much I wanna hug you. This story remind reminds me of myself, my father was in the Afghanistan war and died, everyone thought that he had run from battle and a stray mortar hit him, people hated me and resented me and called me names,I was bullied in a way, whoever's tried to bully me got the arse handed to them, then the war was over and everyone found out that my father had actually died jumping on a grenade thrown into the main force.
Sadly thay couldn't get his body but people stood treating me like shit and know I'm a genius engineer with a wife that I love and two adorable children. And my wife is in rule 77 (if you know what I mean). And my mother died a couple days ago but thank you thank you thank you, I hope to show my children this story and thank you once again
SakuraH1994 chapter 1 . 8/3/2017
Okay, so in retrospect this is a complete AU from the Canon, but so what. It was still a great story. I loved this almost as much as I loved the original. And I love Kushina even more than I thought I could already. I especially love how you tied in some of her clans traditions that you used in AML to give them genuine weight and meaning in AML. After reading this story, I went back and re-read AML and was able to enjoy it even more than the first time. Thank you for crafting such a believable and wonderful world.
A. Amishi chapter 17 . 6/17/2017
This is proving to be a wonderful story and this chapter the best to yet. I haven't laughed out loud from a piece of fanfic in a very long time. This chapter is genuinely funny and so sweer to. I like that you have them falling for each other at first sight.

I have already read, A Mother's Love and loved it. In fact, the more I think about that story, the better I think it is. I'm loving this story because it fills in some of the gaps your original story left, like how Shinzou ended up in Awe, if about the circle test and washing the mouth out with soap. It was great how you incorporated that last one.
I'm so looking forword to reading the rest of this story.
Rockman25 chapter 40 . 8/11/2016
This is one of your old works, but it is a true work of art. I love how you gave a background of Kushina and her family. Also I love how you molded the relationship of Kushina and Minato. Good job! A heck of an author you are.
Elimsbored chapter 40 . 9/11/2015
So good! Just another review asking you to please finish 'Fire and Blood' and 'That Look' :) re-read the 3 AML stories after 4 years, huge props cause there's hardly anything I enjoy enough to re-read
Guest chapter 40 . 1/19/2015
My second time reading this was just as good as the first
larryjc chapter 40 . 12/23/2014
Minato and Kushina's story was awesome. I now understand Kushina's advice to Hinata on making a choice concerning Naruto. This story was awesome. I am awake 4am when I will have to go out by 9am but this story is soo worth it. It blends perfectly with its sequel. My only regret is that I didn't read it before reading the sequel.

The story is rated: 10/10. Thanks for sharing.
Guest chapter 40 . 11/23/2014
Guest chapter 23 . 11/22/2014
I didn't know how badly I wanted a prequel until I started reading this fic. Absolutely phenomenal.
M chapter 40 . 7/4/2014
Great story. Loved it. :)
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