Reviews for A Slippery Slope
YaleAceBella12 chapter 62 . 11/28/2013
Please write more...
shugosailormewmewz21 chapter 62 . 6/14/2011
I haven't watched this show in forever and forgot what half the people looked like so I was surprised I followed everything. You made this a great read that wasn't too complicated and was kinda relatable.
Silverspear chapter 62 . 5/15/2011
Derris got a lot of commitment issues... Can't wait to read more ;)

Update !
Allyson Kathryn Roberts chapter 62 . 5/11/2011
I really liked this story and would love you to finish. I really liked Casey and Derek on the show. They had so much unspoken chemistry. Please continue you are doing a fantastic job!
frecklemaggie chapter 62 . 4/20/2011
Oh my god, nothing is better than Dasey smut. Aggggghnnn. Wonderful writing, I read this all mostly in one go so I didn't have time to get mad about Edwin/Casey, hahaha. But I did like how confused Casey was/is, and that she had to make a few decisions before ending up (?) with Derek. Please update soon! :)
kacysparrow chapter 62 . 4/6/2011
OMG! im so freaking happy to have updated! i have missed this story soooooooooooooo much! i understand about procrastinating, believe me. i still haven't updated my story either yet. please update again soon! i forgot how much i need this story lol. i hope everything works out all right with casey and derek and i have a slight idea what might be in store for the future ;)

lo0ves ya xxxx
thecalendar chapter 62 . 4/4/2011
Yes! Thank you for updating!

Happy with the chapter, when I read the prologue from the last chapter I thought that this chapter was going to be something completely different. Glad that it wasn't though, don't know how I would have handled it.

Again, thanks for updating again!
Dark-Supernatural-Angel chapter 62 . 4/4/2011
Oh wow, it's been so long since I read this story but I was super excited to see this updated!

I think Derek handled George very well but I think George noticed something when he took in Derek's appearance.

Casey really needs to stop over-analyzing ever word that comes out of Derek's mouth. It's like she forgets that he's still Derek and just because they're 'together', he's going to change his thought process?

Hope Derek realizes why Casey's upset again before it's too late (can't these two catch a break?)

Update soon!
FangirlOfAllThings-Haylee chapter 61 . 7/15/2010
this is my favorite life with Derek fan fiction. its the best. will you please update soon i want to know why George is yelling at Derek. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE SOON. i love this story.
Lisalovz1guy chapter 60 . 7/5/2010
Wow! This is by far the best chapter in this story. It's kinda hot seeing them fight then have make up sex the next day.

Update soon! Hope you haven't abandoned this story.
NAp51 chapter 27 . 5/25/2010
Woah! that was intense: Derek and Edwin laying down the law like that.
Dark-Supernatural-Angel chapter 61 . 3/14/2010
HOLY CRAP! What was that? A preview?

Does it happen right after the events of CH. 60?

I have a feeling it's about Derek's fight in school but now I seriously can't wait to see what happens after Ch. 60's events...feelings revealed? Were they caught? WHAT?

I'm dying to find out!


This chapter is such a tease! P

PS. I had a very bad feeling last chapter when Casey told Derek that he 'didn't need it'. Hope that doesn't bite them in the butt later.
Dark-Supernatural-Angel chapter 60 . 3/14/2010
HOLY F*CK! This chapter was a major roller coaster full of emotions! Damn, it kept me on the edge of my seat with the way Casey & Derek were doing.

Casey got what she wanted since the beginning.

I can't wait to read what happens next.

It's after 9am and I haven't slept yet! This story is too amazing to just take a break now!
Dark-Supernatural-Angel chapter 59 . 3/14/2010
Seems like Casey made a choice and I love it!

I do love the Dasey moment in this chapter, very sweet in my opinion. Can't get enough of Dasey D
Dark-Supernatural-Angel chapter 58 . 3/14/2010
There is no way Casey can deny what she has with Derek, just no way! I love it! Their chemistry is undeniable for sure!

I bet they both wish they woke up in an empty house the next morning P
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