Reviews for Negi's Ministra Menagerie
Biblio388 chapter 1 . 9/5/2013
That was a cool way to start a fic. Definitely makes me want to read more.
Grey Wolf4 chapter 13 . 10/13/2012
This is pretty good Negi/Harem which I think Negi is deserving of I like the girls of Negima though Ayaka and Nodoka are my favorites. I hated the ending it was alright mostly but it was too vague on a lot of things including Konoka and Setsuna but also on who Negi ends up with though I hoped he'd end up with Ayaka.
Anarchia chapter 1 . 10/8/2012
Hm I just picked this up not to long ago and already finished it. This is defnitely one of my favorite Negima ficts. I hope that you can continue on with the story soon...By the way I would like to see maybe Mana with Negi lolz. (One of my favorite pairings yet it is very seldom around). But overall one of the best I've read for Negima
Ellenka chapter 13 . 6/28/2012
Whew, caught up with ya! So that nobody would say I can't finish anything LOL

And I like your version of Faust a lot, my kinda sense of humor, he has ;D

"Stories are told to have endings filled with neat morals and consequences for people who do bad and rewards for those who do good. How often do you find that real life mimics this symmetry?" - gah, too bad, too true. Loved the wording :)

"The Great Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, The Dark ages, all thanks to squabbles between these beings. Also they are the basis of most modern religions, Jesus was a Sorcerer. So was Merlin, but by the time he was being called that he'd lost most of his power and calmed down a bit. " - I want to believe :D Sure sounds like a religion I could like :D

and I guess voting for sexy time here would be pointless, so I'm voting for some (eventual) sexy time in Panem ;D
Ellenka chapter 12 . 6/28/2012
(In fact they were rated number 2 on the list of clans who ain't nothing to fuck wit. Behind the long time honorary leaders, The Wu Tang Clan.) - lol this soo cracked me up :D

n00b girl was a bit lost here, so I liked your snarky comments best :D

Ellenka chapter 11 . 6/21/2012
Okay, decided to tackle this big lemon as a bedtime treat and gotta say it was very juicy & yummy. ;) You did get carried away, no question about that, but since you got carried away to nice & fun places, I'm not complaining. All very hot and very nicely handled :)

And aside from that, there were many pearls of priceless humor I just had to quote:

(Admit it, you wish you could have magic and be that Pimp. I know you do… shit I do.) - LOL, admitting is the first step :P Damn, and considering this probably counts as the ultimate fanboy fantasy, I'm enjoying it way too much even despite being a fangirl :D Oh well, at least I'm not too shy to admit it LOL

"Curiosity was Yue's biggest weakness; if she was a cat she would've been dead a very long time ago." - this was one was pretty much Pratchett-award worthy :D

"There isn't anything else that looks like masturbating while watching two people having sex." - too bad too true, and I can't stop cracking up over the wording :D

"This was the perfect way to live vicariously through their friends." - Fangirls are as fangirls do LOL


So all in all, you are spoiling your readers, Mr. D ;)
Ellenka chapter 10 . 6/21/2012
Dammit, I'd really need a way to stop time for a while. Or at least get into the hour-a-day mode they function in there. Would make my life much easier. LOL.

In other news, I'm still enjoying this and loving non-dirty relationship development too :)

And this : "Negi's tone was as serious as chainsaw wrapped in barb wire." - was an awesome badass comparison :D
Ellenka chapter 9 . 6/18/2012
dammit, 's been a time, but practicing forms used to be my favorite. Loved the descriptions there - destructive poetry in motion indeed :D

"If you could read muscles like brail, his would spell out 'perfection'." - ooh, this was a pretty droolfall-inducing description ;D

and can I be best friends with Nodoka? LOL

"These feelings were her whole world right now and the world was just awesome" - idk exactly why, but this line cracked me up even before I looked up the commercial LOL. Eh, "I like dirty stories"? LOL

Since I probably shouldn't leave you MA rated review, let's just say the whole scene was super hot :D

and the banter at the end was priceless :D
Ellenka chapter 8 . 6/18/2012
"The poor boy went flying into a wall, where he left a hole in the exact shape of his body, hair sticking up and all." - okay, this is even better reason why I love anime :D

"If he heard his name in one more high pitched squeak he might be forced to kill himself." - LOL, one needs high tolerance around fangirls. SQUEEEEE! :P

"In all truth, it was one of those moments you get really pissed, because you're doing something incredibly hardcore, yet no one is there to see it." - why, sometimes it's good - means nobody calls the cops ;D

and I loved the convo - very nice glimpse into the characters, even for n00b like me. And lovely to see there are differing opinions within the fanclub as to which way they want their hero to go - poor boy has it difficult indeed :D
Ellenka chapter 7 . 6/17/2012
"It was a long hard stare, complete with a sweat drop. Then Negi punched him right in the mouth." - LOL, this was "why I love anime" in a nutshell :D

lol but gotta say, the comments in the brackets got the loudest reactions :D

"Negi's head was starting to reach it's maximum swelling capacity." - LOL, now? Comments about other head aside, how many more he has to go? :P

"Hey boy, it's that time again. Come on." - this soo cracked me up. LOL yeah, "that time" bloody hell ;D

and oh my Satan, that was some HOT action... delicious... I mean tasteful... either way, enjoyed very muchly by voyeur girls around the world ;D
Ellenka chapter 6 . 6/17/2012
okay, looks like this is way too irresistible for me to get anything else done LOL

I'm with Eva there, that was some pretty hot action :D

and the "Tail Wind of Hermes" totally cracked me up - and in fact, you are perfectly right there, some liberties have to be taken when a translation threatens to sound too embarrassing LOL

"And as if the world had been waiting for the main character, Kotaro began to stir just as Negi got to his side." - this cracked me up too - lol, best way of admitting to contriving plot ever :D And the reunion was awesome :)
Ellenka chapter 5 . 6/17/2012
whew... okay, this was hot. As in HOT. And I was like "omfg, this IS the most beautiful setting ever" so I'm thoroughly happy all heads were properly engaged this time :D

and rendering the second half from the POV of the voyeur girl actually made it even hotter for this voyeur girl here LOL - and it was a freaking ingenious and original move ;)

gotta leave the rest for later, but can I say "pretty plz, wait for the lady to finish before taking it down?" ;D
Ellenka chapter 4 . 6/17/2012
and here I was thinking "beach scene" and the head up there decided to cockblock... LOL

"But there was Asuna, standing across from Negi like a mother superior who caught you doing the nasty in the confessional." - LOL best comparison ever :D

and Negi really is a great guy - I might be joining the fanclub ;)
Ellenka chapter 3 . 6/17/2012
"Oddly enough the only member without a fan club was Negi. Eva once said it was because the entire group itself was his fan club." - personal harem of dedicated fangirls, what more can a man want? ;D

"Unfortunately Negi is one of the few men in the world with enough blood to think with both heads at the same time" - quite an achievement, that :D Too bad for said fangirls LOL
Ellenka chapter 2 . 6/17/2012
since idk the anime, I'm a tiny bit lost... but Negi IS one lucky guy ;D
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