Reviews for But For the Grace of God
anlmoon chapter 1 . 7/11/2018
brillantly written pieces. I like the thought piece for Amelia x Lina where Lina thinks about her situation with a princess and how restrictive she feels due to royal poltics. Zel x Lina was great as well. There situation could definitely occur. I like Xel x Lina x Fila story as well. I really think Xellox killed Fila on purpose. All of the stories are interesting and well written. Thank you for writing and sharing.
Qismat Qami chapter 1 . 1/6/2011
A decadent banquet of words and imagery.
phppsmss chapter 1 . 9/6/2008
Terribly impressive. Goes to show that with fantastic language and plot, one can absolutely weave magic.
Purin-chan chapter 1 . 7/20/2008
Wow, what a slew of creative and interesting little one-shots. I think my favorite was actually the one with Naga. It seemed to be the best fit, based on circumstances presented. Overall great little collection of stories you have here :).
cyberimp6 chapter 1 . 6/27/2008
A impressive bit of writing indeed. I like nearly all of the ideas that the short stories are based on - the one about Filia and Xellos conveyed the emotions excellently, but I can't quite believe that Xellos would lose control like that. (Master manipulators need to stay in control.) I can believe, however, that the happiest ending was with Naga. (I've always thought that Naga annoys Lina not because they're such physical opposites, but because they're spiritually too close for Lina's comfort.) The last one also fitted perfectly with what we know from the series. The Giga Slave doesn't draw on the Lord of Nightmares, it IS the Lord of Nightmares.
Levitation chapter 1 . 6/12/2008
Nice! I loved the Zel and Xellos chapters especially. I thought it was clever that Xel seduced Lina with knowledge. XD