Reviews for Lean on me, Lean on you
DredgenVayn chapter 8 . 8/22/2016
One off the few good stories.
Quis Custodiet chapter 8 . 8/14/2015
Pretty interesting story. I'm kinda surprised that someone hasn't pointed out that Haruka is actually Keitaro's first cousin and not his aunt (her mother was Hina's daughter, Hina adopted her after her mothers death).

Also, in Japan, first cousin marriage is totally legal (I think this is actually legal in the US and UK as well). The former prime minster Naoto Kan is married to his first cousin.
Maxmanatarms chapter 8 . 7/18/2013
Hope to see how you end this story man.
Devil of Solitude chapter 8 . 6/30/2013
Good story, like to see how it ends when ever it dose :)
HarimaHige chapter 8 . 5/5/2013
Please update again. this story is so good
Ararararararagi Rage chapter 8 . 1/6/2013
Hey, this story is great! My only question is if keitaro and haruka stick together, which if it'll ruin the story, don't say! Thing is, that's part of why it's great, it keeps me wanting to read on. Personally, I hope you have them stick together, just because that's me. I hope to see the next chapter sometime soon!
Love Hina Fanatic chapter 7 . 11/27/2012
Great story so far. Kanako cracks me up. And poor Mutsumi.

Just a couple of things for future reference: Allot, is to portion aside. you mean- a lot.
Obaa-san is Grandmother/Oba-san is Aunt.

Just get a spell check and you'll be a very goof author.
Mike Kromer chapter 8 . 11/8/2012
I Love it so far, want more of it, keep it up
Nielson chapter 8 . 10/10/2012
Well not sure if Keitaro is really willing to talk to Naru at all considering the fucked up way she and the girls treated him compelling him to leave also in his shoes I'd have just ignored Naru and tossed away the fucking gift and told her to go to hell!

Also lets face it Hina, Haruka and Keitaro have NOT done the girls any good at all in fact all they did was baby and spoil them and the end of the manga had NO happy endings for anybody least of all Keitaro.

Also Shinobu is not innocent whenever the other girls abused Keitaro she just stood there and ran away crying not that the other girls treat her any better by not leaving her alone, telling her what to do, talking down to her and refusing to accept she can take care of herself!

Also Naru cares for no one but herself she and Motoko always come to their idiotic and pathetic accusations and show no remorse for the things they do or the disgraceful way they order everyone about I mean the girls act as if they own the place when they are just tenants for god's sake!

Naru really needs to get over herself and realize she is not the only person in the world! She just leaves home and kicks shit in her family's faces just because Mei was a kid who needed help with the process of adjusting to the re-marriage! Naru could easily have spent time with Mei but she had to be selfish and have the 'Me first!' mentality! I mean with Naru its always she has to come first! Not to mention to Naru NOBODY has the right to privacy! Or free will it seems to Naru that Keitaro is just an object to be possessed and played with! The 'relationship' (forgive the laugh as I call it that) was pretty one sided!

Motoko oh boy her sister NEVER abandoned her or the art! I mean why couldn't Motoko be happy for her sister!? She couldn't be and just settled into the childish and selfishmentality her sister was being taken away from her and uses it as an excuse to hate men!

Also Naru and Motoko think its wrong for Keitaro to talk to a girl or even a social life!? Rememebr all the times they kept interfering and refused to treat him like a person!?

As for Keitaro leaving? The easiest thing to do is head somewhere and ask the police for protection!

Also Kitsune is a bitch its planin as day that her family got tired of her mooching off of them and her lazy, dishonest ways! Kitsune has no regard for the people she hurts with her scams and tricks and thinks its funny to see people hurt!? Call me crazy if you like but that's outright SADISM!

Also Su thinks its fun to hurt people just because she didn't want to grow up and face her responsibilities as a princess!? Growing up is a unavoidable part of reality and life itself! Also lets face Su has NO regard whatsoever for other peoples privacy, property, well being or even their free will!

In all the plot hole laden manga/anime that is Love Hina the one thing I found most appalling and makes me think Su turned out the worst was that business when she kidnapped everyone to Molmol and tried to force a harem situation against their will and with half her 'friends' aboard Seta's plan Su just lets it be shot down and shows no regard for how any of them could have been killed! Plot hole was how this didn't become an international incident!

Also with how the girls treated Keitaro well why should Kanako be in any accomodating to them if anything she was doing more to help the girls grow up and while she had personal motives including her anger to the girls and wanting Keitaro for herself her main motives was love and she didn't want to see Keitaro abused anymore but the way Keitaro treated her was disgraceful and he was an utter fuck story of a brother!

Also Kanako is a strong, intelligent woman and NOT afraid to dissapoint Keitaro at all unlike how some idiots portray her. Also you got siblings do you treat poorly like Keitaro did?

One of the main things that emphasized Naru's selfishness was how she kept refusing to let Keitaro and Kanako work things out! I mean what's wrong with letting Keitaro and Kanako work things out like ADULTS! Identify any moment that Naru ever handled things like an adult, please?

Well I hope you have Keitaro understand that how Kanako is doing things is what's best for the girls and they need to grow up. Also have Keitaro realize by then the girls are not his friends and Naru only wants him to come back so things can return to the way they were, if anything when he came back when he left last time things were back to the way they were perhaps even worse!

Also Keitaro has NO right to be pissed at Kanako whatsoever.

I said what I said to prevent you from making mistakes including portraying Kanako as crazy or doing anything degrading with Keitaro and I'm giving you advice and not telling you how to write. Because too many writers make a lot of mistakes.

One mistake is that Granny Hina is a kind old lady but given her disregard for her family including her lack of concern for Keitaro's abuse and how she treats her adoptive grand daughter, lies and plays with people's lives it makes sense that she is ANYTHING but kind if you think about it, know what I'm saying? Also please do not portray her like some idiots do as powerful when Hina is just an Inn Owner.

Okay sorry for being a tad long winded, just had a lot to say.
HotelKatz chapter 8 . 10/10/2012
I enjoyed the chapter. I hope you might change your mind in the future and decide to write more fanfics in the love Hina category. But if you don't, I understand. The note at the end of the last chapter gives an understandable reason.
nathalist chapter 8 . 5/9/2012
Oh you have to update this thing.

It would be a shame if you're dead or something like that!
boredguy chapter 7 . 12/17/2011
hmm interesting srory not all smut as it has an actually good story line hope you update soon
KamehameGadoken chapter 8 . 10/20/2011
Understandable your excuse is. Wait some more I will. Patience we must have for the chapters we want.
Love Hina Fan-101 chapter 7 . 6/9/2011
I've read this story a couple of times and I still like it. But, I have one question, How come in this story, and in "Scar in my heart", you write so you can tell that they are or were having sex but you don't actually write it out? Update soon.
Love Hina Fan-101 chapter 7 . 5/4/2011
I've read this story and I really like it. It reminds me of another Keitaro/Haruka fanfic called "Family Affairs". Only in that story Haruka is in love with Keitaro from the start. Is Haruka in love with Keitaro in this story or him with her? Please continue this story and update soon. I don't like it when authors leave their work unfinished.
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