Reviews for Impossible to Love You
WeepingWillow'sChild chapter 18 . 8/6
Finish. Please.
A gaara fan chapter 3 . 3/5/2018
I was gonna keep reading, but this feels too bashy on gaara and he's a sweetheart.
shadowphantomness chapter 3 . 3/21/2016
Wow, Sasuke has the worst luck, doesn't he?
Svaneaalka chapter 18 . 3/17/2016
I really enjoyed reading this story, but the ending... how dare you? You could have done a lot better.
your kidney 4lunch '3 chapter 18 . 9/13/2015
WTF THAT ENDING WAS SHIT, BUT DAMNIT I LOVED THIS STORY! This is by far one of the best au itasasu ever, especially since au itasasu usually suck. :P
sazunaki chapter 11 . 8/1/2015
While I initially enjoyed the premise of this story despite its flaws in narrative... this chapter and the one before it had to be the worst yet. Too many plot holes and continuity errors it truly ruins the story. Bringing in previously unaddressed plot devices and then rushing through them to somehow make them fit into the narrative is somewhat off-putting..

You have quite an imagination however, and I would love to see how you progress in future in other works, but for this one, sadly I'm going to have to end my journey on this chapter. Sorry but much love and support none-the-less
sazunaki chapter 3 . 8/1/2015
Love the story so far, its just the scenes the story takes place changes rapidly without any warning... for instance in this chapter, one minute Sasuke comes home from the club, next minute its the morning after and he's gripping his sheets, and the after the phone calls he's at his desk talking to Sakura... its a bit confusing to imagine the narrative when you have to back track after encountering such continuity flaws.
0blivi0nAgility chapter 18 . 12/29/2014
Sad that this was the last chapter, I really wanted to find out what would happen between Sasuke and Itachi and also how he was going to handle the situation. Also how Gaara was going to do or what would happen to him. Nevertheless, this fic was written really nicely and I thoroughly enjoyed its plot.
Sasunaru4eves chapter 17 . 7/9/2014
I loved This story, although I wish it would of gone on another chapter with a happy ending... lt was still great the rest of the story makes up for that. I enjoyed reading this very much.
flaming rose chapter 17 . 11/3/2012
Nooooooooo! How dare you leave me with such a cliff hanger?! (Says in dramatic voice.) I don't know if I'll be able to go on! The torture! (Wails.) Pleeeeaaasssseeeeeee let Sasuke and Itachi-kun have a happy ending! Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee! Oh, and I loved the smexy lemon! Soooooo cuuuuuttttttteeeeee! Oh dear god, listen to me! You people must think I'm crazy! 'Calling a sex scence 'cute'! Though, it really, really was! And soooooo arousing! Get it, girl! ;) Anyway, I got to go now! They're playing Lady Gaga's Poker face on the radio! Alright! Bye, my lovlies!
flaming rose chapter 1 . 11/3/2012
Oh honhonhonhonhon! So are little Sasuke-kun can cast a quiet a spell on men AND women? Well. That'll explain why Orchimaru, Sakura, and Ino are all over our dearest (Using sarcasm here, my peoples.)Sasuke-kun! Eppppppppppppp! Grrrrrrrr! Give back the damn keyboard, Jeff! No! Not 'til you think of something unperverted to write! Well, I WAS getting there you idiot! …

…Just give me back the damn keyboard. N-(Flinches at glare from Flamin' rose)okay. (Whimpers.) Precious! MY Precious! Anyway, it's not so big a deal. I mean, they already act like that in the book soooooooo, yeah. MY SASUKE-SAN ISN'T SOME KIND OF MALE SEDUCTRESS (IS THAT SPELLED RIGHT?!) ; I'M SO HAPPY :)! (Weeps tears of joy.) Eheheheheheheheheheheh! (Sobs.) So, so, so happy! (Sobs, again.) Well, anyway: I was just…Mental having an reviwing breaking down? Yes! I was just having a re-. (Turns and glares at Dan. What. Did. You. Just. Say? Um-I was-I was just-I-I-RUN, JEFF! Okay, now that my (Unfortunely. 'Spelled right?)idiots are gone lets continue to read on with the 'fic, shall we? Yes we shall? Anyway, thank you for zis 'fiction, hun. I LUV IT! (Says with goofy voice.) Well, bye for now! And, sorry if I offened anyone with the way I spoke! Bye my lovlies!
Lady Spain chapter 17 . 10/6/2012
Update pleaseeee
Springtome00 chapter 17 . 5/8/2012
i like your story but please make itachi and sasuke's end happy.
karupin sama chapter 8 . 3/17/2012
Duh..young love broke up all the time, why must Sasuke have to pretend having gf anymore? It's not something weird to happen that he has to cover it up. Why must he tried to do something unreasonably idiotic I don't understand. Mikoto herself if she has at least an ounce of brain must be aware that breaking up could happened anywhere anytime to anywho especially young people.
blisblop chapter 17 . 12/20/2011
I was hoping you might gain regain interest in this a bribe of a fic from me though I never publish but I guess I think about it.
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