Reviews for Howl
timetravellingvampirewithawand chapter 12 . 3/11/2009
oh I wonder what they're talking about... who's HER?
timetravellingvampirewithawand chapter 11 . 3/11/2009
oh gosh i love this. so bad you should write a book!
timetravellingvampirewithawand chapter 10 . 3/11/2009
whoa. what's happening here?
timetravellingvampirewithawand chapter 9 . 3/11/2009
oh who are the dark wolves?

guess i'll find out. This is great stuff
timetravellingvampirewithawand chapter 8 . 3/10/2009
:O ah!
timetravellingvampirewithawand chapter 7 . 3/10/2009
short chap but ahh i love reading stories where theres already been lots of chapters written it doesnt leave me dying for more that badly... until i reach the end. You are a fantastic writer and i can't wait to read more
timetravellingvampirewithawand chapter 6 . 3/10/2009
haha lol things are back to being understandable for me i love this story this is really good. Damn you, you can write AND draw. rrealy well. gah.
timetravellingvampirewithawand chapter 5 . 3/10/2009
love this and you know it
timetravellingvampirewithawand chapter 4 . 3/10/2009

dont really know what THAT was about lol maybe I should read these books... lol no idea who furor is but eh doesnt make me like it less
timetravellingvampirewithawand chapter 3 . 3/10/2009
lol I haven't even read sight or whatever the books called but i'm still in love with this story i'm hooked
timetravellingvampirewithawand chapter 2 . 3/10/2009
who-ah this is SO different. I like it, it's a MASSIVVE change to what one usually reads. Like REALLY differen tthis is AWESOME
timetravellingvampirewithawand chapter 1 . 3/10/2009

:O this is SOO GOD OMGOMGOMGOMG I ABSOLUBTLY LOVE YOUR WRITING THIS IS AMAZING *cries in corner* gah. this is SO FANTASTICALLY INCREDIBLY AMAZINGLY JAW DROPPINGLY WHOA. yup that's about all i can think of right now. hooked at the first sentence mate, LOVE this

gotta keep reading!
Guest chapter 19 . 3/7/2009
Yay, the next chapter is amazing! There is so much detail. Poor Emily! Another fantastic job!*cheers along with 50 other

happy people* BRAVO!
anythingzombie chapter 19 . 3/6/2009
Ahh oh no! You post something i've waited for only to make more for me to wait ,jeeze.

Lol j/k, it was god.
wolfgirlnowandforever chapter 18 . 3/3/2009
Wow. This is better than most novelas I've seen. You deserve a round of applause!*Gets a group of a thousand people to clap*Yay! You have a gift!
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