Reviews for Rest Stop
avid chapter 27 . 7/12/2009
Wow. A truly AU story, digging much deeper into what might have been then just about any fic i've read in this fandom- and elevating it to something more. The ending is particularly strong, and v. bittersweet. thanks for sharing the story.
brimac chapter 27 . 12/21/2008
damn i do love a good "what if" story. nicely done, believable, in character, love love love the references to our house universe within their universe, and again triple love to all the music. hated the ponytail though, but that's my own personal fear of middle aged men with ponytails,::shrugs:: its irrational and has nothing to do with your authorship and should not deter anyone from reading this beautiful tale.
J Lesley chapter 27 . 8/29/2008
I loved this. Just amazingly written as always. The description of House's ghost crossing over into who he would have been if he had just gone back to school was wonderful and trippy. I will miss reading this story. Can't wait to read your following stories.
nomad1328 chapter 27 . 8/26/2008
Wow. Nicely done. Talk about a knife in the gut though. The 2nd to last chap was awesome- the way it weaved in and out of lives, past and present and what should have been. The last chap- a bit of a tearjerker. Very well done! So... what's next?
LadyKEEM chapter 27 . 8/25/2008

wow! that was good. :)

great way to end it. aw, how sweet that he left sam the rest stop.

beautiful ending, i loved it. sad to see that the story is over, but in a way happy with the way it ran its course.
Merlynnod chapter 27 . 8/25/2008
OH, this is perfect! You captured that essence of coming back to a long-familiar place after so much has changed with such clarity, such understanding and familiarity that came through the writing. Stunningly done. :) And Greg having promised to keep the riding jacket and helmet for him, and Sam's deep understanding that despite his death, the older man would still keep his promise was wonderful, as was the understanding that Greg was honest almost above all else. And Sam inheriting the Rest Stop...again, that gesture was just so right for the story. :)

Excellent story, beautifully written, and I'll be happily looking forward to more from you in the future! :)
kathy52 chapter 27 . 8/25/2008
AMAZING! You did it again. I must confess I read the last four chapters at one time and really didn't expect to see where you took it. I was both surprised and saddened at the outcome of Greg House. Brillant writing. Please keep me in mind if you decide to write another. Until next time...
mayfairmom chapter 27 . 8/25/2008
Gorgeous...brilliant...astounding...i don't know what else to say. Where are my manners...thank you for thei incredable ride. If/when you write again, i will be here...God bless...Peace
phoenixmagic1 chapter 27 . 8/25/2008
amazing ending to a fantastic story! :) Please please continue writing :) cool!

God and peace

Vanessa :)
DoctorLisaCuddy chapter 27 . 8/25/2008
Wow, what a great finish! It would be nice to know if youre planning another Huddy-related story in the near future...Id love to read more...
Betz88 chapter 27 . 8/25/2008
I am honored that you allowed me to dip my fingers into this story from the git-go. You took me on a fabulous ride with Greg and the Band ... with Lisa and Sam ... and you were a dozen steps ahead of me all the way. You painted a picture in my head and kept the scenery in constant flux with each and every chapter that you let me be the first to see. As it churned toward the climax, Chapter 26 put my heart in my throat and absolutely blew me away. In Chapter 27 I caught my breath as they climbed the stairs, for I knew exactly what would be there.

This story was so dangerous, so heartbreaking, and so loaded with the realities of life ...


Merlynnod chapter 26 . 8/24/2008
Oh...that was incredible! For the first few lines I was thrown as to who had been shot and who was still alive, but even that being said, the language and the imagery were amazingly written, and as a reader I can see that you were most likely intending it to be a bit confusing there at first. (Or maybe I'm just a moron, who knows. ;) But then I understood, and, wow... I was curious as to where this story might be going, just what sort of ending this particular path might be taking, and this was completely unexpected and amazingly well done. this the end, or will there be more? I'll be watching my email for possible alerts. :)

One more time...fantastic!
phoenixmagic1 chapter 26 . 8/24/2008
amazing job :)

God and peace

Vanessa :)
phoenixmagic1 chapter 25 . 8/22/2008
superbly written chapters (24 and 25) :)

God and peace

Vanessa :)
J Lesley chapter 25 . 8/22/2008
That was nice how you incorporated Stacy and Mark into this.

I can't believe he was idiotic enough to actually pick them up though. I guess he doesn't like taking advice.

Anyway, I hope he's ok.
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