Reviews for Happily Ever After
HanVanHell chapter 1 . 5/25/2015
Sniff* sniff* holy crap my eyes are tearing up. It's so FREAKING BEAUTIFUL!
The Layman chapter 1 . 4/13/2010
You know, I KNEW Chizuru would get that role, I just knew it.

Anyways, good job. You wrote everyone well, and Uryuu and Orihime are going to get married! (Or did I only infer that...)
blindkitten chapter 1 . 1/20/2009
That was an extremely original and wonderful story.

And I don't use original much, so savor it.

In other words: I loved it!
Angel-wing2 chapter 1 . 11/14/2008
I loved this! They look good together, hm? Nice job. :)
hazelAC405 chapter 1 . 8/27/2008
heh Yuna reminded me of tuna lol but other than that great story! huh funny moral 2!
Siroi Lily chapter 1 . 8/18/2008
CUTE! and very awesome too!
HoldOnToYourTunaCans chapter 1 . 8/3/2008
Omg, this was so cute! It's going on my favorites AND my IshiHime community! (_)
Animegal9215 chapter 1 . 7/25/2008
That was gorgeous! It was very in character. But you can see how Orihime doesn't like being the damsel in distress. Very well written. IshiHime forever!

Animeni chapter 1 . 7/11/2008
aw that was so cute and funny! i liked your fic, especially the ending :D
Blackrose2005 chapter 1 . 6/30/2008
Wow... That was quite... interesting! Not that is was bad.. but... I seriously love the idea of Ishida-Kun wearing a dress.. XD WO! This is the 1st IshiHime fanfic that I've read where they kissed.. I mean like SERIOUSLY PEOPLE! THEY NEED 2 KISS! Lol, went a lil over drive there... Anyways, I love your fic for a plot like this... I would've never thought of... Ishida-Kun... wearing a dress...

Please do make more fics! I'm really looking forward for 'em~

SemperVenice chapter 1 . 6/28/2008
All I could think about while reading this is "Quincy Pride". Made me laugh. Such a cute little story! Ishida in a dress makes me laugh and giggle. lol
Green Raven Katt chapter 1 . 6/20/2008
One word: AW~! _
Namimakura chapter 1 . 6/19/2008
YAYNESS! i love the total adorableness of your fics... *sighs dreamily* as a fellow ishihime fan, this came out equally adorable and i def. enjoyed it! yum. *faves*
LunaSeasMoonChild chapter 1 . 6/19/2008
LoLXD! Uryuu in a dress as a princess? That just cracked me up! I love crossdressing fics! It's just so sweet n' fluffy at the end! It was a very amusing fic! Though it's regrettable that it's a one-shot... ANy plans for a sequel? XD
AnonymousBadger chapter 1 . 6/19/2008
Aww, cute cute cute! Orihime is so sneaky...
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