Reviews for Beyond My Face
Child of Dreams chapter 34 . 8/13/2015
(sighs happily)
I like Momma...a lot!
DeJean76 chapter 11 . 3/19/2012
As I started reading this chapter, I wondered if there was ever going to be any angst in your story. Well, by the time I finished this chapter, my questioned was answered!

You see - I totally LOVE angst and/or jealously in stories I read involving my favorite couples as long as it is finally resolved! I love the feeling I get in the pit of my stomach as I am reading! Angst and/or jealously makes the "making up so very much sweeter! With this being said, I HAVE to have happy endings too! LOL!

I do believe my much awaited "angst" will be appearing very quickly now! Sorry, but I MUST get back to the story! This is such a good fan fiction!
DeJean76 chapter 8 . 3/19/2012
This is wonderful & so much fun for those of us who love Gerard Butler! LOL! I am going to reread this several times because I KNOW I have many missed many hidden Gerry references! I am suddenly seeing Creedy, Gerry & Dracula now! Surprised I did not "see" a little of Andre & Jacko too! LOL! And, Peter was the Phantom in the movie! I can fully understand why you took your time writing this story! Your creativity is superb!

Okay, this is my favorite story & I am just to chapter 7! I hope I am not giving away any secrets! Can you delete this if you need to? hehehe!
Guest chapter 4 . 3/18/2012
I absolutely loved this chapter & Kristine even more! I love spelling it with a K! I know it is very early but she doesn't "appear" here like she is in so many other goodie goodie? Hmmm...will have to keep reading! It is way to early to form any opinions!

And, here I am reviewing again! Hehehe! I am breaking all kinds of records!
DeJean76 chapter 2 . 3/18/2012
Me reviewing 2 chapters in a row, this is a first!

If your intention was to have me NOT like your Rauol, my dear, you have total success! UGH! What a slime maggot! LOL!

On to chapter 3!
DeJean76 chapter 1 . 3/18/2012
Yeah! You did have a story! If you haven't read my PM, that statement will make no sense! LOL!

Well, it is safe to say that your Erik is no virgin! LOL! I was totally glued to just the first chapter! I NEVER review the first chapter! This says a lot already!

Back to reading! I won't review every chapter as I get more wrapped up in my reading!
dimensioner chapter 50 . 2/14/2010
What a lovely ending! And the name fits perfectly!

That was a wonderful story, full of suspense, thrill and romance, extremely well written, and I totally enjoyed it!
dimensioner chapter 49 . 2/14/2010
Pity Carlotta got off lightly!

As for all the others, you squeezed another wedding in, impressive!

I've been to the Opera Garnier, and I find it totally sad thatyou need a special permission to see the underground tunnels and the lake. One day I'd love to see it! I saw box 5 though, and the opera really is as wonderful as everyone says.

Guess Erik had a special permission, I envy him totally!
dimensioner chapter 47 . 2/14/2010
What another evil twist in your story! Can't you give them some rest? Why did she have to lose the baby? That's anough trauma and drama to last 3 -4 lifetimes what they have been through since they met!
dimensioner chapter 46 . 2/14/2010
You succeeded in having three weddings in your story, and each of them perfect in their own style and totally romantic, fitting the characters, I am totally impressed, I humbly bow before you!

I still hope Kristine is pregnant, and has trouble with all the trauma she's been throught to realise it. I really hope she's not ill...
dimensioner chapter 45 . 2/14/2010
I am so happy for Marie that she found her love again, after so many years! Something like that does not happen often, although I also no someone who had similar things happen to her in life. Happy endings are just wonderful.

Hope the whole Carlotta threat is soon over!
dimensioner chapter 44 . 2/14/2010
WEll I guess it is Carlotto, because if not, I have absolutely no clue, which is also pretty cool. Anyway, the way you write it keeps readers definitely in suspense about what's going to happen next.

As I said before, it's really like a thriller sometimes your story, pulls you totally in!
dimensioner chapter 43 . 2/14/2010
So it is Carlotta aiding Raoul, that bi**h! I am very curious about the further developement, she should be arrested for helping Raoul continuously haress Kristine!
dimensioner chapter 42 . 2/14/2010
I'm glad I'm just an Average Jane and no celebritiy. As much as I like getting the newest pics of my favourite actor(s), I pity them for their lack of privacy. The paparazzi are getting worse every year, it seems.

I guess Kristine is pregnant...and it's good she's going to see a therapist, professional help can be truly great.

Well, Raoul - I knew we would hear something again from him...I am curious to read the hearing...

Good chapter!
dimensioner chapter 41 . 2/14/2010
Oh I knew that the GL from one of the former chapters had to be Leroux. Nice hint that you changed his name to Gerard though! *gg*

So I hope Marie will also be happy and in love at the end of the story! I love stuff like this, everybody in love! Just the perfect thing to read on valentine's day, right?

Carlotta is back, and now our newly weds not only have to deal with all the paparazzi, but with her as well - this is going to be tormenting fun!
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