Reviews for Nowhere else to go
MartySmarty1111 chapter 4 . 6/27/2013
Please Please continue i love and Adore this story
MartySmarty1111 chapter 3 . 6/26/2013
Great story love it
Stefan Solvator chapter 4 . 6/17/2013
Write more you lazy person this story is awesome and it would be a shame for it to be left unfinished 2 more chapters is all i ask of you please honor it with an ending
Fraxus-Thunder chapter 1 . 6/12/2011
Its good!, hope you finish it :D
TheHomicidalManiac777 chapter 4 . 1/12/2011
damn im so sad that this story was never finished! I was really getting into it! your writing is very good. Hope you somehow decide to finish this one! 3
Black The Nerevar chapter 4 . 10/18/2010
YAY! it was good, when will chapter 5 come? :)
Kurogawa Yumi chapter 1 . 5/30/2010
Okay, just for the record: I find the thought of the Lich King checking the minds of... fish... highly amusing. *giggle*
RexRaptor89 chapter 4 . 3/25/2010
its really good! finish what you started dont quit writing it! D
Minimewtwo chapter 4 . 2/12/2010
Great story.
The-Serene-Mage chapter 4 . 2/1/2010
louisestarfly chapter 4 . 7/20/2009
It saddens me that this was left as a cliffhanger, never to be finished.
Shinku Anrui chapter 4 . 7/9/2009
I think that the Lich King should also fall in love with Kael. I mean, he can't be all heartless, right? He should be like, "Oh, I am so lonely, be my friend!" But actually, he would probably pretend to be Arthas and trick Kael into kissing him. And then Kael falls in love with the (almighty, sexy, wonderful, lovely...) Lich King!

And then they're a happy family...

Eldenar and Cas'Leon should fall in love, too...
Armaja chapter 4 . 5/25/2009
wow, this story is great! usually im not all for the yaoi, but i have to say, nice job! and i agree with Anub'arak begin too low on WoW, but the Heroic does him justice. You've inspired me to wrote my own WoW fanfic :P better get typing. Once again, great job.
UC chapter 4 . 3/2/2009
Always watching this amazing story for another chapter!

Maybe Kael'Thas wouldn't have gone to Outland and gone all mad, if Garithos just ended up as ghoul chow sooner.

"If you can be saved, then maybe theres hope for me as well"

Theres something about that line, that just keep echoing in my mind.

Ever read the fic "Flow"? It got an Arthas x Kael'thas pairing in it.

Hope for a new chapter soon!
vestarho chapter 1 . 12/29/2008
Oh my god, it is nice to see this pairing, you know, I have been wanting this for quite some time. So many of the slash factors are met with these two: once friends, later hated enemies, used to have some love triangle affair (which can be so conveniently twisted in a slash fic, you know), and now both have nothing left. I really loved what Arthas said in chapter 2, “If you can be saved, the maybe there is hope for me as well.” If Arthas has already been a villain in WAR3, and nothing much can be altered, I still really resent Blizzard for making Kael'thas a villain, and such a crazy, logic-less villain at that! The subsequent lore after Kael went to the outland is just senseless to me. Maybe it's just me, but they seemed crappy.

But anyway, I now have the hope that you might give them a different fate, one that the players love them would be more willing to accept. And I hope you would update soon!
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