Reviews for Ten Years
MAforever chapter 6 . 9/23/2015
I don't know if you ever going to read this. But I just finished your fic. It's beautiful and heartbreaking and everything I miss about monster allergy. Elena and Zick are so close tomy heart and reading your fic was an endless river of emotions for me. Thank you very much. Thanks !
rats xp chapter 6 . 10/3/2014
i really loved this story, and wish you could at least write a one shot about the wedding :/
Elisablackcat chapter 6 . 5/20/2013
this was so dreamy TTwTT i could die from happiness now
Megan Reece chapter 6 . 8/19/2011
Finished this fic, liked it a lot. Didn't think I would originally cus I normally really can't stand the way you write Elena. Don't get me wrong, I like the way you write in general, just... your elena is kind of a bitch (huge understatement there, actually). But she wasn't that bad in this fic! She started out badly but by the second chapter she was pretty much redeemed. And then rise of the new bitch (aka Greta) kinda... threw me off. I really like Greta as a character, and I understand you were trying to write her crazy/insane/mentally unstable... but I think it could have been done so that there was a little bit of sympathy for her... which I didn't feel at all. I think that's partially due to how you really downplayed the zick family's suffering during those 10 years, while playing up Elena's 'problems'. I wrote a pretty long (Okay so it was 5,000 words) and kinda scathing review after the first chapter, cus I hated it so much and there were so many little inconsistencies and flaws... but if I'm being honest it REALLY improved from the first chapter. The last two chapters were disappointing though, I found myself barely skimming most of them because I just got too bored. :/

All in all though, good fic, definitely one of (if not the) best MA fic on here. Just a few tips: if something sounds a little off to you (like the walkie-talkie thing) it probably is. I overlooked the setting though because pretty much everyone on here writes MA in the US, which is fine, it doesn't really take away from the story. Make sure you keep the details as clear and concise as possible, and you'll be great! You really do have amazing potential.
Megan Reece chapter 5 . 8/18/2011
So... there's a Walmart inside an airport? Interesting. I do a lot of traveling and I've NEVER seen anything like that, but okay.

A walkie-talkie can broadcast across entire states? Wow, those are some seriously long range walkie talkies.

Just sayin'.
ThatOneQueerKid chapter 6 . 4/9/2011
Aw! I just love this story *-* it has adventure, feelings and a good, happy ending 'D (I actually understand only the half of what was written because I'm not english but french... So) So beautiful!
cheekyangel98 chapter 6 . 8/14/2010
at last i finished reading your story...i thought i would never finish reading it. though your story is so great..i hope you will make another story that's this long.. thanks again and i really like the effort of finishing this story
Jam chapter 6 . 10/2/2009
You're a very clever person! haha . with the twists and turns of events..very smooth. Great job!
Mitsukai Kanashimi chapter 1 . 7/27/2009
COOL STORY! I love Monster Allergy too! I'm not making any fan fictions of the cartoon though... Anyway, I can't speak english quite fluently so your works inspire me to learn more about the language! By the way.. I live in Philippines too but I'm japanese and its kinda hard to speak tagalog...
digiblue00 chapter 6 . 6/27/2009
How do you do it? You have really amazed me. You created a marvel of a fanfic from the world of Monster Allergy. I loved the way you developed Elena's thoughts and feelings from beginning to end.

However there are quite a few grammatical errors especially in the last few chapters but not so serious as to confuse the reader but watch out for them.

As a side note, I don't know if you've heard the song before but while I was reading your fic, I felt that the song, "Home" by Michael Buble fits it. You should go listen to it some time.

Great job and I can't wait for your next fic!
alyssa chapter 6 . 5/14/2009
I really love the story it's full of emotional features and it's so sweet. And it has no corrections on the speech and grammars I can say that you can publish this Cezille i'm

sure many people will like it 'cause even here in fanfiction

many people already likes it. Goodluck on making your other stories Cezille!
Rayla chapter 1 . 4/19/2009
this story really great!its so romantic and so affectionate the author really did agreat job on writting a story on Zick and Elena
lazyhazzze chapter 6 . 1/12/2009
Man, we need more MA fics like this! X3

.. And now I have been inspired, yet again, to doodle Zick X Elena.

. Keep on writing .
Archylas chapter 2 . 12/31/2008
Enduring, and had me anticipated. It also seemed rather nostalgic.

My emotional levels piqued just by reading the chapter. Absorbing as well; I enjoyed the ideas used in this chapter, especially when the Tutors used the Device to punish Zick. I understood the story even though I had not even delve much into it or read all the comic chapters. (Wikipedia helped, of course.)

I liked your style; how you made the story engaging while supporting the content with the characters' remarks and keeping new ideas flowing in smoothly. You kept them in character too, which of course made me rather happy.

At some parts it confused me a bit because you often changed the parts to italics and thoughts, so I was often left to ponder whether or not they were actually spoken along with the actual speech and dialogues. It would also help if you described the scenes more clearly and bring it to another scene smoothly through a trigger phrase, word and etc era.

Overall it was enjoyable, and I find the content thoroughly satisfying.

We need more shippers for Zick, Elena and MA.
AKAAKAAKA chapter 4 . 12/15/2008
Ok, I never expected to read this. But when i did, i was impressed, you made the characters so imaginable in my head that I couldnt help but feel sad and try to wait for the next chapter. Please make it an interesting one. .
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