Reviews for The Looking Glass Wars
StringBean chapter 5 . 1/18/2012
This is an amazing story! Are you going to continue writing it?
SlippingSanity chapter 5 . 5/7/2010
AWESOME! XD A great fanfic and easily among the top of my favorite fanfics! Can't wait for more!
secretsocieties chapter 5 . 4/3/2010
This is by far one of your best pieces. You're fight scenes are detailed and amazing, and everything flows together perfectly. I can't wait for the next chapter!
finem chapter 5 . 2/28/2010
Right. So...I don't even know what to say. This is amazing. I'm one of those ppl bemoaning the lack of KH AU fantasies so finding this gem is like...heaven. Yes. Definitely heaven. Very well executed and so beautifully believable. I love how you've portrayed Sora's reaction to this situation because, yeah, I think that if I were dragged through a mirror and shoved into a war against living shadow, I'd have some similar responses.

I'm sure I could babble on about how awesome this thing is, but I'll leave it at this. My socks are rocked and I can't wait for more. Thanx!
little stuffs chapter 5 . 1/27/2010

A dark version of Kingdom Hearts!


You describe it really well!

What happened to Riku and Kairi?

They are going to appear aren't they?

Please update soon!
kurosora1984 chapter 5 . 8/16/2009
I feel silly tpying this with you sittin in the corner. YOU'RE WATCHING ME AREN'T YOU. O.O (LMFAO)

*cough, fidget* Uhm, OK, LIKE I LOVED THIS. And I seriously got to the end and was like..." OWO HOW DID SHE WRITE THAT BATTLE SCENE. LIKE HOW DID SHE DOO IT? I don't even know. It was awesome. Like, multiple persons, all that fighting, and still I saw the whole thing, it was perfect, it FLOWED, and UGH. Wow. Probably the most epic fight in KH fanfics of all time. I cannot even comprehend it. I have, two fights, I THINK, both one-on-one, and just THAT has given me a glimpse into the difficulty, just enough to be truly BLOWN AWAY by this battle.

I FUCKING LOVE AXEL. I just...everything he does, the way he talks. I LOVE HIM.

Sora kicked so much ass it was SCARY. And now I cannot WAIT to see where this is going, but I won't bug you because I have already come to realize that you are one of the most tight-lipped people I have met in this fandom. YOU ARE STONE COLD IN THE FACE OF MY ANGUISH, AND YOU DON'T EVEN CARE. I am getting myself a rommie who will truly endanger my sanity. O.o (Ahem...SANITY being used in the sense of...referring to my current state of mind. As it is. For what it's worth. XDD )

In short, you fucking rule, and I don't know why it took me so long to get around to reading this, because clearly whatever I was working on was not this awesome. *LOVE RAY BEAMM~! SHAZAMM!* XD XD XD XD
aznwhitekid chapter 5 . 8/9/2009
Scripta Lexicona chapter 5 . 7/23/2009
:) Very cool battle scene. Worth the wait, I'd say.
darkmouse jumu chapter 5 . 7/22/2009
Oh that was friggin' /epic/! :glomp: You write a delicious battle scene, dear.

Sorry it took me so long to get to this. Now I wonder why I let things get in the way. :noms new vocabulary and imagery:

Thank you for Roxas's roundhouse kick, that was hot. XDD

Axel's a fun creature to watch. Always pushing a limit, that one. I get the feeling Roxas is the only one who does anything more than merely put up with him. XD It's amazing that something so ornery can be such a smooth-talker. Maybe I'm wrong, though - I've been a space cadet all week, barely know up from down. DX

You also, officially, write the best cliff-hangers EVER. :D Awesome chapter, dear! I hope this finds you well!
firehawkxx chapter 5 . 7/14/2009
Oh wow. Just... wow. I can express the words to describe this chapter. So wonderful. And, wow... :D You've knocked me pretty much speechless. Awesome job!

Can't wait for the next chapter!
Higashikaze chapter 5 . 7/13/2009
Why on earth did I wait so long to read this again? I forgot how good it was! This fic is super super super amazing awesomeness. You're so good with writing detail, but at the same time, it's not like you overdue it. Great job, and I can't wait till the next update!
Legendary Chimera chapter 5 . 7/12/2009
Gotta say I just love your battle scene/chapter. I can feel the panic. Makes me want to reach for the PS2 controller and smash some buttons. :D Oh, and what do your chapter titles stand for? "eviF" kinda looks like "evil" but I'm probably way off. And I love your Roxas and Axel interactions. The dry humor is too funny. Do we get more Riku and Kairi? I was just curious to see if things were gonna pick back up on the islands or not. I'll stop rambling now. XD
Legendary Chimera chapter 1 . 7/11/2009
I gotta say the FF10 references are cracking me up! The Sora/Kairi is very cute and I love Riku's character. You've gone and hooked me again.
AngelWing1138 chapter 5 . 7/9/2009


*bows before you*

Yeah, if that doesn't tell you how amazing this chapter was, I don't know what will. This was a beautifully detailed, intriguiing, enthralling, captivating chapter. The fighting was done so well-you're so good at describing fighting but making it sound like something intricate like a dance or something instead of, 'and he swung his blade forward, cutting through the thing. Whewt.' I have always loved your action scenes.

Describing the terror of watching this violence for the first time as Sora was wonderful, too. I found kind of in the game that he sort of fell into it and was like, 'Well, okay, let's see what happens, eh? D' I thought he'd be a bit more freaked out about the fact that little black imp things were crawling at him and he was expected to fight them. I know I'd be screaming.

I also love the fact that you added in Axel's disregard for basic morals and rules. That was ingenius and very much in character. I loved that.

Overall, I loved this entire chapter. There's nothing to guess, it was a very straight forward action chapter, excpet for the fact of, 'Hey look, that keychain thing was a Keyblade. Neat. Now what happens?' We shall see...

And I wouldn't worry about update speed. We don't mind waiting as long as you do continue writing. Writing takes time, especially when you don't have a set timeline. We're patient people I'd like to think.

Till your next chapter! Loved this one!
13th Shadow chapter 5 . 7/9/2009
HOLY...! WOW! *Heart is racing*

OMG... *still tries to recover from major adrenaline rush that apparently has rendered me for lack of a better word, blond*

You know, you write this so well sometimes I swear I forget I am reading a fan-fic and not a script or book-version of the "game".

Very well done and well worth the wait.
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