Reviews for Brief Reflections
holchcatherine chapter 10 . 1/9/2018
AGHHH I know I just reviewed this a second ago but hell I can't resist. I LOVE reading this probably wayyy too much. Haha.

"Breathlessly sweet kiss..."

"There was a renewed tenderness.."

I also love how they can insult each other but take it as a compliment - they're that comfortable with each other, you know? How are they not married yet they would be perfect . The married couple conversations would be so cute! Ok, maybe I just want to see Toga getting all flustered trying to propose to Kaien. Or who knows it could be the other way 'round. Please please keep writing about them so I can keep looking up to you. I'm going to go fangirl into a pillow now kay?
holchcatherine chapter 1 . 1/9/2018
I read this again while listening to lady antebellum's need you now. fits perfectly! I LOVE the way you portray the characters reliance and relationship with each other. I've read this story countless times, I've read gift of trust, storm in a teacup, hold me now (i think that's the name of it?) I've read that which I crave (mmmm seiren). I...I can't say enough about you. My favorite part is seeing Toga rely on Kaien like that one chapter when he just lost his eye and was feeling down. And the part where Toga caught Kaien when he fell over because of his head. Aghhh I love this pairing. I adore the last few lines of this chapter!

"Like hell..."

Ughhhh Toga! I have such a big crush on that character and the way he said that makes me go crazy, to put it bluntly. I look up to your writings and hope I can write like this someday, even if we all have our styles. rarely review this long /
Sir Lofty chapter 10 . 8/12/2014
Wow this story was great. It made me laugh and go aww all at once. After reading Hold Me, No Matter What, and In Silence this story really just pulled it all together. Cross and Toga are just so cute and your work has definitely made them one of my favorite pairings. You are one of my favorite authors and I hope you continue to write more wonderfully inspiring fics. Shits and Giggles -Lofty
Saranwyn chapter 10 . 7/23/2013
Oh! Such a sweet ending! I loved this whole story by the way! I liked the format with the flashbacks that you did for most of them. Keep it up! :)
Saranwyn chapter 7 . 7/22/2013
I was trying so hard to wait to the end to comment on all the chapters at once, but this chapter was just...Well, it was definitely one of the best Yagari/Cross one-shots I have ever read. I am LOVING this, so far, and I really enjoy how you walk us through their whole relationship. And it's written well! I'm impressed and pleased I found this story! Going to bed now, but I'll read the rest tomorrow and review. This is one of the best stories I have read on this site - no joke! :)
joyx14 chapter 2 . 2/10/2013
HAHAHA! Kaien n Touga SHO CUTE!
San Juanita Hernandez chapter 10 . 1/1/2013
Mistress 0f Dragons chapter 10 . 6/24/2012
oh god, if i found my dad with another man, i would be mortified. I'd be like WTF? Any great job on the story.
Mistress 0f Dragons chapter 9 . 6/24/2012
You know, I honestly see Yagari topping Cross more often. Maybe its becasue it think that Yagari is hotter than Ceoss. Plus Yagarai seems to be more of a seme.
Mistress 0f Dragons chapter 8 . 6/24/2012
I dont know, men saying they make love just sounds weird to me. why cant they call it sex?
Mistress 0f Dragons chapter 7 . 6/24/2012
i really liked this chapter. great job.
Mistress 0f Dragons chapter 6 . 6/24/2012
These flashbacks are nice
Mistress 0f Dragons chapter 5 . 6/24/2012
nice job on the chapter
Mistress 0f Dragons chapter 4 . 6/24/2012
awwwww... litttle yuuki.
Mistress 0f Dragons chapter 3 . 6/24/2012
poor Yagari, his wife dumped him.
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