Reviews for I'll Follow You Home, A Zutara Story
Guest chapter 27 . 8/15
OH MY GOD. I AM SPEECHLESS. That was an amazing story and I freaking loved it. Your take on the show is so creative and the plot is so engaging and immersive and I can’t even begin to tell you how much of an amazing writer that you are. Thank you for this. You had me on the edge of my seat the entire time and I could never stop reading. I love your take on the characters and on Zutara of course! I’m just so overwhelmed with the FUZZIES.
Vbielak chapter 27 . 6/24
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT. Both stories are beautifully written. I cried many time of sadness and joy this was everything I never knew I always needed . I’m late to the Zutara party but this made me want to dive in DEEP.
severus's-vice chapter 27 . 12/19/2019
This was amazing and possibly one of my favourite Zutara fics I've read so far. I'm a little late in reading the ATLA fanfiction but this just brought me so much joy to read. I particularly like your Zuko, I find many writers struggle with his character and you seemed to write him effortlessly. Thanks for the amazing read, I wouldn't be surprised if I come back sometime in the near future to enjoy it all over again.
Guest chapter 23 . 6/25/2018
How can you call this chapter terrible? HOW? I doubt you will ever see this review but I read both this fic and EAI and I LOVE your character development, writing style, action scenes...EVERYTHING. Even though this is a different ending from how the true canon story ended (obviously..) it feels the most similar to the writing style of the original writers. I have read thousands of zutara fics and these rank at the top for me. Also, your cliffhangers, though frustrating are awesome! They kept me reading until the very end!

P.s. your portrayal of Azula is absolutely textbook. Like...they could have taken your writing and put it into the final Agni Kai and I swear I never would have known it wasn't written by the OG crew. I'm floored and I applaud you.
lauren.kennedy.794 chapter 27 . 6/13/2018
ahhh! the feels though... seriously this was amazing. I love how you took an established story and characters and made them your own. I'm excited to see what you'll write in the future and I sincerely hope you continue to be creative. If possible, I would love to see more original work from you; original stories and characters. It might be an interesting exercise for you.
pinkstarlight2002 chapter 1 . 1/6/2017
I just love your writing style, which suits your personality. I can just tell it does and I love your work. Keep it up.
Guest chapter 27 . 3/13/2016
This and EI were just amazing!
From the beginning you had me on the edge of my seat, and I can't tell you how many times I shrieked whenever a plot-twist happened!
There was no OOCness thank the heavens! And ahhhhh all of the Zutara feelssssss :3
I have to admit that I got really worried when you had Azula become good because I thought she would just turn all goody-goody and gentle and ... ugh sweet (like many fics make her whenever they try to "redeem her"). But the fact that she turned good, but still kept her attitude until she turned INTO A SPIRIT ahhh!
The end of this fic actually made me cry Im being honest here, so hats off to you.

My only complaint is that the whole Sila Vatra thing was kinda left to die, and I kinda wished to had seen more of them during them at final battle (not just The Warden). But other then that this fic was just pure genius, and Im so glad to have seen you progress and come so far as a writer. Looking back at EI and after reading this I can see how much you advanced in such a short period of time so great job and THANKS A MILLION AND MORE!
hiddenechoes chapter 27 . 6/1/2015
Thank you, so very much.

This was so well crafted and beautiful. I loved your creativity and the fact that everything you had characters do seemed extremely natural. None of it was a bend from their actual characters.
I enjoyed every line I read.
You are a master word bender, a crafter of stories.
Guest chapter 3 . 3/22/2015
I'm really happy that you didn't rush in with the sex as quite a lot include and the fact that you respect katara'a age.
ValkyrieVeela chapter 6 . 3/15/2015
*cackles* I know that this was written WAY before Legend of Korra, but it is SOOOO cool that you've named a father and daughter 'Hiro' and 'Asami' when the Satos in LoK are 'Hiroshi' and 'Asami'. Weird! VV
hugezutarafan chapter 27 . 3/15/2015
Hi I don't know if you still check these since this fic is quite old but it was perfection I often stayed up late into the night lost in the story and urging the characters to be safe through the battle and I think you did a great job and if you ever had the time I would be forever thankful if you'd write another continuing with their marriage
Guest chapter 27 . 2/22/2015
AMAZING! I've pulled many all nighters to read both stories you wrote and I'm so glad I did! I hope you continue to write zutara fics, they are so good :)
Guest chapter 27 . 1/26/2015
Omg I loved loved loved this story. Both of them actually. I read them both back to back in two days. I couldn't put them down.
Guest chapter 10 . 7/23/2014
You wrote that Katara's blue eyes where staring at Zuko so did the eyeball- bending wear off?
readytostart chapter 27 . 6/30/2014
I cannot tell you how much I loved reading this fic! I love how you write, I love your storyline, I loved everything about this! Although this has been completed for a while now, and I know it's unlikely that you still read these reviews, I've left bunch lol so you can see how much I appreciated your story! Thank you for taking the time to write this :)
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