Reviews for And all the years we have wasted
AnguaMarten chapter 1 . 12/26/2012
this is beautiful. the language you use is expressive without being cheesy, and the whole thing is so breathless and emotional, it's incredible. chapter 1 . 7/8/2008
nicely done. very bittersweet, but i daresay that's what you intended, eh? and a beautiful ending. love that last line.

silver sniper of night chapter 1 . 7/8/2008
Wow that was amazing, a truely wonderful piece. The details of their relationship were perfectly placed, the angst so thick I could feel it. the writting was heart wrenching and emotional, it captivated me. Excellent work, amazing, really. Well done.
theinfinitesadness chapter 1 . 7/8/2008
I love this fic, the broken-ness of it, the quiet sadness throughout. You have such a lovely poetic way of writing and I have to admit I'm jealous of it...very good job.
xo chapter 1 . 7/7/2008
Very soft and sad. I like the use of the last litte bit, just cause the 'If I wake tomorrow alive.. we'll be in love tomorrow. If there happens to be one.' leaves an uncertain, risky kind of prettiness to it.
Griselda Banks chapter 1 . 7/7/2008
This is a rather haunting story, but very well-written. I love the slightly confusing, jumping-around feel of the story, like it's a bunch of little stories that all gather together into one big story. And it's very sad, but very very Royai, and for that I love it _ I think my favorite part was the introduction, where you talked about her being his air, with both implications being true. That was a very good metaphor, and very poetic too.

I don't even have to wonder whether this should go on my favorites or not _
Evil Little Dog chapter 1 . 7/7/2008
Just taking the chance to say how much I enjoyed this (again) after reading it last night at LJ. It's very lyrical and sad.

Thanks for sharing.