Reviews for And it was Light Again
kyuubecky chapter 1 . 8/6/2012
I cried. Especially at the end! Omgosh you are too good at doing this too me! loved you two's work by the way so touching and very well written!
Darkover chapter 1 . 3/24/2011
Dear Starlight9: Emotion seems to be your forte! You wrote this story well. I felt for Elrond, who for an Elf has had a rather hard life. One way or another, he lost almost everyone he loved, which is not supposed to happen to Elves! I especially liked your idea that Aragorn/Estel brought light and love back into Elrond's life. Thank you for writing and posting this story. Sincerely, Darkover
Ochoika chapter 1 . 8/3/2010
I really like how Elrond is ! he had no chance: his love go away ,and after he looses forever his daughter !

It is really cute and i love it ! estel is so sweet ! and Elrond is so good .. and i like the end .. he is giond to see his love again ! ;)
dinopoodle chapter 1 . 2/19/2010
very good story. Nicely done.
Adri1577 chapter 1 . 2/11/2010
Beautiful! I loved it. Great writing style with no spelling mistakes and extremely fluent makes it easy to read. Warm, cozy and bringing a little sad smile.

Well done!
Luthien Surion-my elvish name chapter 1 . 8/3/2009
geez! u sure kno how to make a person almost cry! ;-)
CosmicEssence chapter 1 . 12/28/2008
that was definitely angsty...very good elrond angst i'd say...and quite sad too...i never did like the 'parting' idea.
La-p'tite-tete chapter 1 . 11/18/2008
I feel so stupid, crying like that in front of my screen... Wonderful OS.
eiluj chapter 1 . 8/29/2008
Interesting choice of scenes. I understand why you ended where you did, but I'm sorry not to see Celebrían again.

You'll want to fix some typos in the Appendix quotation:

"little is clear to the" - should be "clear to me."

"her life's grace lot less" - should be "grace for less."

"To the men even" - should be "To me then even."

"He said his last goodbye first to Estel, and then to Arwen" - In canon, Elrond said farewell to Arwen in Edoras, but Aragorn accompanied them north for eight more days, accepting the keys to Orthanc from the Ents.

Write on!
lotus325 chapter 1 . 8/9/2008
Such a lovely fic Star. It was so sweet, no bittersweet would be a more fitting discription. It was heartfelt and it burned to see Elrond so wound up in his greif and melancholia. I knew Elrohir and Elladan stayed but I was so glad to see you wrote it. But it was slowly relieved as Estel came into his life to light it back up. I liked that Gilraen and Elrond locked eyes and he understood that her greif was the same as his. Thanks for writing this. I loved the sorrow-filled mood of it.

Silivren Tinu chapter 1 . 8/5/2008
I managed to escape Real Life once again, so here I am. ;-) I wasn't able to read the Teitho stories at all this time, but that makes me even more curious to see what I've missed.

Celebrian's fate was horrible and their farewell must have been almost unbearable for Elrond. I love how you captured the dark, sad mood at the beginning of the story. Both Celebrian's 'brokenness' (don't know if that's a word, but it's the best I could come up with to describe her state) and Elrond's grief and pain are very realistic and touching. It is obvious how much he loves her. *sniff*

I never noticed how much Elrond and Gilraen have in common - I love how you compared and connected their fate, but introduced a certain spark of hope into their shared darkness at the same time.

Hehe, it seems to me that Elrond has found a rather obstinate and determined light to take care of his own darkness. *g*

I cannot imagine how hard it must have been for Elrond to let Arwen go after everything he had already been through with Celebrian and Elros. I can understand that he wasn't really happy with Aragorn for a while, to say the least. :P

This ending was so beautiful! *sigh* This ficlet is a wonderful tribute to a love story one very rarely hears anything about. Even without having read any of the other stories, I'm sure this would have been one of my votes, as well. :)



P.S. I really need a time-travelling-device to be able to send in belated votes!

P.P.S. Thanks a lot for your review - I'll reply to it soon, but I thought you wouldn't mind getting some reviews first. ;-)

P.P.P.S. I have seen the Reader Traffic feature - it's fascinating! I wonder who's reading my stories on the Philippines? I love all kinds of stats, too, perhaps it's some kind of wet-puddle-thing, lol.
lindahoyland chapter 1 . 7/27/2008
This a beautiful story,very moving indeed. Your placing at Teitho was very well deserved.
GreyLynx chapter 1 . 7/16/2008
I loved this story, Starlight! Very beautiful, very sad and, thank god, very happy in the end.

My new number one favorite quote:"A gust of wind blew through the open window, extinguishing all candles in the room. ‘Estel, come back and light them!’ He wanted to scream."
Estelcontar chapter 1 . 7/15/2008
That was a very moving story and poignant story, Starlight.
Kalisona chapter 1 . 7/15/2008
Ah...Mellon nin...I read the summary of this story and immediately knew that I wouldn't be able to review it like normal. I am so sorry, mellon nin. But...What a touching story! So sweet...Poor Elrond. You have truly outdone yourself with the emotion here...I could truly feel what Elrond was feeling, the hurt and sorrow, and then the happiness at the end...truly wonderful, Star!

...But this also proves my point...You always write happy endings! :D

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