Reviews for Soul Mates
YaoiFreak chapter 4 . 1/26/2015
It's been way tooooo long. Update!
Anime-King20 chapter 4 . 4/15/2014
please please up-date
Balfie chapter 4 . 3/3/2014
Please update soon!
hikora chapter 4 . 2/23/2013
Hey, hey, hey! You can't stop there, I want to know what happened next. Please do continue. I wonder if that really is Sasuke though, I've never known him for rashness. Please write back.
Nikkitty Slytherin chapter 4 . 7/22/2012
yayubaru1 chapter 4 . 3/6/2011
O.o you... ended... it... THERE! *pouts* so mean i wanted to see if little naru-chan got fucked or not
debsdragons chapter 4 . 10/31/2009
How is Sasuke going to make Naruto take the test? Please update when you can :)
MizzItachiUchiha chapter 4 . 2/28/2009
good story :) i like it
00000000800000000000 chapter 4 . 10/3/2008
lolz, sasu-kun sound crazy-mad CX


thelonelyotakugirl chapter 4 . 9/26/2008
Awesome plot. Kick ass story.

HOpe you can update soon! I can't wait for the next chapter.
zero434 chapter 4 . 9/25/2008
haha sasuke sounds like a mindreader

update soon
eye-of-demon-kitsune34 chapter 4 . 9/25/2008
yay new chappy

oh oh if i have any ideas can i give them to u o.O


love kitsune
Stormyclouds chapter 4 . 9/25/2008
Aww wow Sasuke does sound kinda crazy...but it's kinda funny! Update soon please!
kai chapter 4 . 9/25/2008
is he daydreaming or something cuz the font just majically you can update soon
M.S DARK ANGEL chapter 4 . 9/25/2008
lolz! thatz god! write more plz! _
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