Reviews for Under the Blacklight
LonerInDisguise chapter 11 . 8/29/2011
holy shit! i agree that is hands down the BEST breyton story on this site. i loved every single word of it.
ltalady75 chapter 11 . 3/3/2011
One of if not THE best Breyton completed story that I've read to date. You writing was impeccable and just gorgeous! Beautiful, tasteful writing worthy of great praise. I wish there were more Breyton stories as well written as this one. It will continue to be one of my fave Breyton stories of all time. :o)
Cassicio chapter 11 . 5/30/2010
Ok, so this is IagoOthello from the Spashley board :)

First off: Thank you for tellin' me, cause I would be very sad if I missed this story.

Secondly: This is awesome, and confusing, and wonderful and I love it. I've never seen OTH (I know, bad me) but I REALLY like the characters you created out of the ones in the show (just cause I've never seen it doesn't mean my friends dont decided to fill me in on a lot.).

So yeah, I love it. And can't wait to read your other stuff!
Miguel51 chapter 11 . 12/23/2009
Words fail me at how profound and beautiful this story is.

From beginning to end, I felt for them, felt with them. All the hurt, the joy that they felt. From how they built their defenses, only to tear them down, and then rebuild them again in repeated and futile attempts at trying to deny themselves the one thing they both wanted and needed, which was each other. And even when they attained it, life seemed so intent to tear them apart and ruin their love. Despite that though, through all the shit they go through, all the ups and downs, they finally become 'brookeandpeyton' again, instead of just Brooke and Peyton.

It's just so fucking beautiful.
warpedsolutions chapter 11 . 8/6/2009
this was good. i liked it a lot. after a long stressful jacked up day this just made it better. thanks. very well written. ugh ima read it again!
QuestionMarks11 chapter 11 . 6/25/2009
I am speechless. That was truly wonderful, amazing inspiring god damn meaningful perfection.


It was beautiful.

Aissi chapter 11 . 12/20/2008
I absolutely loved this. Storyline aside, your writing is so poetic. This is so rare in fanfic.
dvmcas1 chapter 11 . 10/15/2008
oh my gosh this was extremely well written. the thoughts and dialogue between the two girls was great. I love the short sentence structure too b/c it mirrors how they're thinking and feeling. awesome job!
shawn-n-belle chapter 11 . 8/31/2008
Its a full circle, they all came back together and I loved it. They belong together, Dear God why doesn't Mark see that? Especially in season 5, I mean they freakin' came home for each other and everything. Post another Breyton fic soon just because I love to read them.
craftyns99 chapter 11 . 8/30/2008
I loved this and its a shame you've ended it but I'm glad they found their way back to each other
GrandCentral chapter 11 . 8/28/2008
I haven't actually reviewed any of your other chapters, mostly cause I have sat at a computer in over 2 month but if had, then I would have. You fic is amazing. You've portrayed the characters so beautifully and honestly. you write really well and it's just brillant. wonderful work!
idaatje chapter 11 . 8/28/2008
This ending is just perfect.

Love it.

I love how you set this whole story against the timelime of the show itself and gave your own little twist to it. That really worked.

Hope you write a new Breyton story soon :)
only-because3 chapter 11 . 8/27/2008
I'm very sad to see this story end. Its was simply beautiful
krisana22 chapter 10 . 8/22/2008
Loved how this chapter showed that no matter how long or far apart they've been they'll always be with each other. PMS
Lily Lovett chapter 10 . 8/18/2008
I can't describe with words how stunning this is. Wonderful writing style.
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