Reviews for The Secret Emotions of Blair Waldorf
Kananox chapter 1 . 4/4/2018
At first i didnt want to read this bc im not a masochist and i am anit-angst but i partly read the end of the sequel(?) and noticed that it ended really well and that it ended well enough for me to put myself through sadness. Fortunately, the truly sad/disappointing part only happened at the end, even though there were hints of it throughout, so i'm glad i braved the unknown and read this!
PeacefullyJos chapter 1 . 6/5/2014
This is the best thing ever, it's sad in the end but it's just a MUST read if you belong in the chair fandom.
suburbianblues chapter 1 . 8/11/2012
Great job, but I'm guessing there won't be a part 2? I was hoping you uploaded it if you had it. Either way great job. Wonderful Chuck and Blair fic(:
Grish chapter 1 . 12/8/2011
OMG Beautiful I like how you write :D, cya!
blackheart4life chapter 1 . 5/14/2011
WOW. I am floored by this. It was pure bliss and fluff at first, it was GREAT! I mean for one of your first Blair/Chuck story it is seriously amazing. i feel you got blair's emotions to a T and i could feel her falling for chuck, hell I was falling for chuck with her. As the end starts coming thou i started to get worried and for good reason. MOTHER CHUCKER! I like that she's fighting to be strong at the end here, he SHOULD fight for her, BEAUTIFUL PIECE!
Cohlybrie chapter 1 . 7/28/2009
Oh I loved, loved, absolutely loved this piece! The right mixture of romantic and drama. I also loved the end. And the business dinner, great! Just excellent work ( :
SparklingIvy chapter 1 . 6/24/2009
Wow, what an amazing interpretation of that lost week! Chuck and Blair are fantastic characters, but they are so unique I feel it's really difficult to capture them. So kudos, because you did an awesome job. It's fantastic... flawless even... I was wonderinf if you ever posted the companion to this, like you mentioned in your author's note. I'm looking through your other fics now to see if I can find it!
howlsatthemoon chapter 1 . 4/20/2009
Oh wow, I lovelovelove this. Chuck and Blair were perfectly written and in character. I gotta admit, sweet Chuck makes my heart melt. I'm such a dork. :] Great job.
brownie bunny chapter 1 . 4/7/2009
MUAH! Me loves it!
big.fat.roses chapter 1 . 3/1/2009
wow... i'm speechless.. that was so beautiful and intense, I don't even find the right words to describe it! So well written that I could totally feel Blair emotions and her fear, like I was her. And I absolutely loved the scenes of their childhood! Definitely one of the best fics i've ever read :)
suspensegirl chapter 1 . 12/23/2008 this is crazy awesome. that last week before they left was so amazing. ) I will most DEFINITELY be reading the companion piece. wow.

the last few lines were so sad. aww...they were so happy together and then... *fan girls died*
CarolineNotCarolyn chapter 1 . 11/13/2008
This was one of the first of your fics that I read, but I didn't take the opportunity to review it until much later (and many more readings of this beautiful fic). I have always found the CB relationship to be the cornerstone of the show- what makes it spark. You did an amazing job capturing Blair's emotions and feelings, while keeping her in character and also allowing you creative license as an author. I loved the growth of their relationship through the years and particularly the bliss that they share when it is working out. Your descriptions of Blair's heartbreak, however, are the most poignant of the piece and really makes this wonderful (and yet difficult) to read. Bravo!
Totally Kawaii chapter 1 . 10/29/2008
Guh, gorgeous. No pointers from me, except keep on doing what you're doing; they're wonderfully in character and oh-so-snarky. XD I love Chuck and Blair at their best.
princetongirl chapter 1 . 10/26/2008
loved it update soon
tallyho chapter 1 . 10/11/2008
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