Reviews for Fighting Another War
Hadesworld chapter 4 . 7/3
If it concerns Harry, shouldn’t Harry know about it?
Guest chapter 18 . 5/16
Hábilmente? Ja, no me hagas reír que se me descose una tripa.
Guest chapter 11 . 5/15
Creo que no leíste bien los libros ni prestaste atención a las películas si tienes tan pobre caracterización de los personajes. Frodo jamás habría actuado así tras la muerte de Gandalf. No se que pasa por tu cabeza.
Guest chapter 9 . 5/15
Gandalf de JRR Tolien tiene una calidez que no posee El Dumbledore JK Rowlin. Dicho esto, este Gandalf de TU historia parece una versión muy mala de Dumbledore.
Guest chapter 8 . 5/15
Qué carajos Gandalf. Cual sea el secreto que le estás guardando a Harry sólo lo estás empujando Legolas para que no quiera regresar a su hogar, eso te hace peor que el pedófilo espeluznante de Legolas.
Guest chapter 7 . 5/15
Lo repito, el comportamiento de Legolas es espeluznante
Guest chapter 6 . 5/15
Pedófilo espeluznante es ese Legolas.
Guest chapter 5 . 5/15
Legolas está muy extrañamente caracterizado. Parece un pervertido. No me imagino a un elfo tan elegante como Legolas desnudando a Harry con la mirada de una forma tan obscena; y en verdad todo es culpa de Gandalf por andar canalizando a su Dumbledore interno ocultándole secretos a Harry. Si le hubiera dicho que Legolas era su alma gemela, Harry no habría actuado como una doncella pudorosa y alguien dígale a Legolas que le baje intensidad a su cacería, es casi vergonzoso leerlo.
AvidReader2425 chapter 2 . 4/6
Another enjoyable chapter, so I am curious if he will gain access to his magic again
AvidReader2425 chapter 1 . 4/6
Thanks for a very good first chapter
Guest chapter 7 . 11/9/2019
The writing itself isn’t bad, but it’s done rather lazily. Barely any descriptions of his actual emotions, of missing his friends. And he complains about the wizarding world’s expectations of him, when the ones in middle-earth seem quite similar. Not a fan of the way this entire thing with Legolas is being presented. And Gandalf seems to be incredibly foolish and arrogant in trying to push Harry towards legolas, who is acting like a predator. And let’s not forget that Harry is still a minor, while Legolas is who knows how many centuries old. Does seem as though it will be some sort of destined lovers rubbish.
hiraibella chapter 13 . 11/4/2019
This is just so... I'll be polite and say bad. Here we have a spineless worm that was sucked into another world and doesn't even care that people know why and won't tell him. All this Gandalf shit is also annoying. Frodo's reaction was bullshit. The whole denial and "oh my world is ending because someone wants to shag me" is also terrible. I realize it is FICTION but there is no world in which these events can actually fit.
I tried to simply not say anything and stop reading but it's just too much.
NabikiB chapter 4 . 10/26/2019
Vague plot, no world building at all...very little available details. Not really all that satisfying. I've struggled through as much as I intend to. Sorry.
mayawene chapter 39 . 10/5/2019
Thank you for this story ! ! ! !
Poor Legolas.
p00hb34r2002 chapter 19 . 9/4/2019
Your arrows are pointing not at the review button, but at the button to go to the previous chapter. Thought you might want to know that. Brilliant story by the way.
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