Reviews for Appearances
ChordOverstreetFan chapter 3 . 3/24/2018
Chad doesn't always give the best impression in Troypay stories, but I like him in this. He's actually kinda trying to do right by Troy by coming clean about Gabriella so he can make a more informed choice.
helloPOTATO chapter 7 . 4/5/2012
AWWW. love it! the ending was so AWWWW.

hihi :"")) that was awesome. thanks for writing it! :)
helloPOTATO chapter 6 . 4/5/2012
this chapter was just such an "AWWW" moment for me. HAHAHAHA :))

i couldnt help myself. i needed to say that.

love, love this chapter. :)
Lovaticgurl3 chapter 7 . 12/26/2011
soooooo surprise u only got 8 reviewsits ok i love this story can u make another plzzzzzzzzzzz
malisha411 chapter 2 . 8/4/2009
this is a really good story
WishingWellDreams chapter 7 . 4/17/2009
This story is creepy good:) Good and creepy:) lol but creepy in a ood way)
neila cross chapter 7 . 3/19/2009
It's been a few days since your last chapter, I was only able to read it now...

Well anyway, first off: Gabriella's one sick bitch.

Second: Yey for TroyPay!

Third: I can't believe you only got like 5 review for this amazing story...

Let me be the sixth :)
Writer Rider Dirty Thirties chapter 7 . 3/14/2009
this was a totally weird, but totally awesome, story.
SweetRae21 chapter 6 . 12/18/2008
please update soon
neila cross chapter 6 . 12/4/2008
wow.. this story's fantastic.. hope you'll finish it.. :)
Its-Ployploy chapter 3 . 8/25/2008
omg it was rlly



great job by the way ]
Writer Rider Dirty Thirties chapter 3 . 8/15/2008
I liked this