Reviews for Breaking Her Facade
allisonarrgent chapter 4 . 7/17/2010
Hey, I enjoyed this four-shot.

I LOVE Dean Thomas, and I'm ecstatic whenever I find other people that write stories about him, since there aren't nearly enough good stories about him on this site.

Dean was really underdeveloped by JKR, but the small amount of information she has already revealed about him in the books made me love him nonetheless and made me pursue writing and reading about him. :)

I like it when I find stories pairing Dean with people other than Ginny, because I feel that he deserved better anyways. ;)

You couldn't convert me to become a Dean/Romilda shipper, since I'm more of a Dean/Padma and Dean/OC kind of person, but that's not to say that this story wasn't well-written. It was, and it was also sweet and believable, even though I didn't really like the pairing at first.

The only problem I had with the story in general was the tense. It got confusing at times, and I don't remember exact phrases that threw me off, but I remember that you did switch from present to past tense a few times, which was inevitable, because writing in present tense is quite hard. However, the mistakes were minor, so they weren't that distracting.

Anyways, I loved your portrayal of Dean. He really is a sweet guy, which is why I like him so much. Thanks for this, it was refreshing to read about him from your point of view. :)
booptop24353 chapter 4 . 12/7/2009
i love it!

so cute! ahh i love romilda, and dean together! 3 SUPER cute story!
L'amoureuse chapter 1 . 9/5/2008

i LOVE this story- it's beautifully written and i love the use of parentheses, etc.

i'm really enjoying reading all of your works; and I hope that you feel the same about mine.

If you ever need a beta, let me know. In the meantime, if you wanted to beta for me, I'd LOVE you. There is no pressure, but if you are feeling up to it, just send me an e-mail.

My name, just for reference, is Camille.

Just send me whatever you feel comfortable sharing about yourself, so we can get to know each other a little. No stress! And of course, let me know if you'll beta. I have two chapters of Lazy Days, the shuffle challenge, and half of a chapter of Hard to Find done.

Just sayin'!
msllamalover chapter 4 . 8/12/2008
This was lovely :)

I'm off to read your other Thomas-family-centric fics!
Wotcher-Tonks chapter 4 . 8/11/2008
loved this story. you have converted me, fellow priestess of The Holy Order of Dean and Romilda. *bows*
Wotcher-Tonks chapter 3 . 8/11/2008
loved this chapter!
RossxRachel4ever chapter 4 . 8/9/2008
I've never really read this couple before, or even heard of it, but it was surprisingly cute...and I don't really have people I NEED to be with either Romilda or Dean(like I do with a lot of the HP characters), so I wouldn't mind if this happened! Good job, it was a cute story!
shelaughs chapter 4 . 8/8/2008
“You okay, love?” He asks gently.


I loved that part. It was adorable. I'm going to read the story about Dayna tomorrow!

shelaughs chapter 3 . 8/8/2008
Oh la la.

Huge bed? lmfao.

This is "WONDERFUL" hahahahh. Glad that made you warm and fuzzy.

... Only one more chapter left!

shelaughs chapter 2 . 8/8/2008

shelaughs chapter 1 . 8/8/2008

I LOVE this, and cannot wait to read more.
msllamalover chapter 3 . 8/5/2008
Awesome! I hope there are lots of little baby Deamilda's running around next chapter!
msllamalover chapter 2 . 8/3/2008
Aw, I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy! And Seamus made me laugh.

I only noticed two mistakes - I wasn't really looking for them, but these two jumped out at me.

'Of course, they were still hopeless romantics, but ... that was how she likes them.'

I think if you want present tense, it should be 'they are' and 'that is'. And Greta's flat has (instead of had) Apparation wards?

Please update soon, I enjoyed this very much!
msllamalover chapter 1 . 8/3/2008
I really did like this first chapter, and I'm lookig forward to reading the rest. This is a first for me, I've never read Dean/Romilda before so I think you might be converting me!
Wotcher-Tonks chapter 2 . 8/2/2008
Great job, my fellow priestess in the holy order of Dean/Romilda


At first I thought that the separate points of view parts were choppy, but it set a whole mood, like an action movie that shows something happening and then another thing at the same time, you know?

I liked that a lot.

I also loved how she knew what was coming- girl intuition!

Again, great job!

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