Reviews for BD: Immortal Souls
Carla Gasperoni chapter 31 . 2/16
I am overwhelmed by your writing skills. I have been reading lots of your stories lately and can't wait to read BD from Alice's POV. Wow!
You are gifted too!
TrillionSchiffer chapter 5 . 6/18/2018
See... Happy go lucky.
TrillionSchiffer chapter 4 . 6/18/2018
You say you have an issue with lemons, but the real issue I see you having is writing newborns. This was a bit too bleh, for my taste.

Taking a showers before her first hunt (In what universe does that make sense). Worrying bout inconsequential things. Thirst just brushed off as if it wasn't something that didnt plague stronger vamps than Bella. She is too Mary Sue. Nothing seems to be an issue. One hardship conquered after the next without any struggle.

This is too happy go lucky.
Kh chapter 6 . 10/26/2017
Your writing style makes even a dr9ve t9 Alaska seem bearable! Keep up the good work. I'm finding myself posting a lot. And s8nce I have never posted in all my 45 years, it is a testament to your writing. Also it helps that you seem to read them.
Guest chapter 5 . 10/26/2017
After being changed bell's continues to blame herself for Jake and continued to talk about her l9ve for him. Really paints her in a bad light, tune that down a little and emphasize the friend aspect more. I know it doesn't track with the real story but doing it here would have been a perfect time and place. But all in all LOVED it. Especially including alice in the first hunt... was sad I didn't see her battle her thirst for human blood as they stumbled upon. But again , I loved your interpretations
Kh chapter 4 . 10/26/2017
Excellent. So far enjoying more than the original... or. Maybe because it's new to me... either way keep up the good work
Kh chapter 3 . 10/26/2017
Nice lemon. First lemon I've ever read and I'm 45 my
Didn't even know what one is. Still want braking dawn from alice... or Twilight where alice replaces the role of Edward but still sticking close to the story line kinda, I like your judgement and alice is my favorite (plus I trust you to keep it less gratuitous lesbian sex story like all others. Also would be neat story if angel contacted alice needing big time help but already figuring out who she really is not necessarily what though. Needing the cullen help. I figured u don't take requests but I enjoy your writings, only fanfiction I've ever read.I'd actually make a donation if you were will8ng to write one about alice and Bella relationship similar to Twilight just changing roles... truly great work btw...
Kh chapter 1 . 10/26/2017
Ever thought of writing about Bella and alice. Alice taking the place of the target of bell's effecting and alice having the same complications as Edward had when she finds herself infatuated with Bella. Basically a Twilight parallel from thisrespective. I enjoy your writings and think you would do a great job keeping it true without turning it into a purely lesbian sex story like most of them out there. I would love to read your take as you stick to the similar could have fun with it.
P.s. I have never posted on any message boards in my entire life , I mention this just so you understand how much I would love this
Kh chapter 1 . 10/26/2017
I enjoyed seeing the series through Alice's eyes, what about breaking dawn through her eyes?
Pathatlon chapter 31 . 2/15/2017
Loved it. Very straight forward story, but detailed and well-written. Everyone was very much In Character, which, regarding Bella, was a biiiiit annoying - at least at the fight. It was as if she didn't really get why she needed to stay safe. Then again, the original Bella was pretty obtuse as well xD Thanks. Going to keep this story on my favs list.
Pathatlon chapter 30 . 2/15/2017
Well, I don't get the whole fight between Bella and Aro. I such cases you shouldn't prolong it. Edward should've joined in and killed Aro when he was distracted.

Anyway, glad to see things turned out awesome. Looking forward to see if anyone found their mates.
Pathatlon chapter 24 . 2/15/2017
Pathatlon chapter 20 . 2/15/2017
Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooow... Not at ALL what I expected. Love it!
Pathatlon chapter 15 . 2/15/2017
So far, you've made the books better, which makes me think that the Volturi are going doing - or that the Cullens are. Either way, someone *will* die. They must. They can't have the threat of the Volturi hanging over them forever. I never understood in the books why they didn't focus on taking them out. The problem is, of course, that the Cullens, by letting the Volturi go, gave them a chance to regroup and come after them at a later date. That seemed to me like a really stupid thing to do xD
mygooddog chapter 19 . 10/18/2015
YUM Felix is wolf chow.
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