Reviews for MakeDamnSure
blewartrk chapter 10 . 6/9
He signed the papers because what else can he do, it was not his decision to divorce Tanya, so if Tanya decided she wants Edward, he will stay with her. So i don't think Edward really loves Bella here.
blewartrk chapter 9 . 6/9
"beached whale" lol and i still hate Edward. He didn't tell Tanya. What a coward! Tanya found out. There's a difference. I hope Bella doesn't give his ass a chance.
blewartrk chapter 8 . 6/9
Wow i hate this Edward. Just divorced Tanya and get it over with
blewartrk chapter 5 . 6/9
Esme berating Edward's action feels like they are married teenagers with jobs who's acting grown ups. They all sound so immature. How old are they?
blewartrk chapter 1 . 6/9
I know its only a fic, but it hurts me too when Edward says i love you to someone other than Bella
Scattycow chapter 1 . 12/19/2019
Pa...thet...ic. *shakes head.
Scattycow chapter 8 . 10/16/2019
Why is everyone sticking up for Bella against Tanya? She’s right, Bella is a whore. She knowingly slept with a very married man, that is the very definition of a whore.
They’re both whores and deserve every bit of vitriol Tanya is throwing at them. Jeez, ridiculous Twihards make me laugh, if Tanya and Bella characters were reversed they’d all be seething. It’s embarrassing.
Guest chapter 4 . 3/19/2018
I'm surprised that bella could handle sharing Edward for that long. YEARS? SERIOUSLY? How is that a good memory? Bella said that he would always be a good memory...doesn't sound that great to me, Edward sounds like a fucking piece of shit.
nbrian72 chapter 11 . 2/13/2018
jk chapter 11 . 9/19/2016
this whole cordial for the baby shit is just that...shit.
its just a excuse for you to bring these two back together. When really? bella should have just stayed in new York with craig and raised her baby there. Edward is a piece of shit...poor bella leaves fucking pregnant and Edward celebrates with a ton of sex with Tanya...

this is the guy you want with bella? REALLY?

no fuckin thanks. I wouldn't touch your Edward with a ten foot pole
jk chapter 5 . 9/19/2016
so he was fucking bella for over A YEAR BEFORE HE LOVED HER? NICE

and the whole time he was with bella telling her that he was gonna leave his wife he was purposely lying...knowing he was gonna stay with Tanya...he was just fucking two women...that whole time...and he loved it.

wow, this Edward? crossed a fucking line...its different if he didn't love his wife, didn't sleep with her ect ect...was really gonna leave her...but he had no intention of doing that ever...this Edward? is WAY FUCKING PAST FORGIVENESS!
jk chapter 2 . 9/19/2016
Sounds like Edward and Tanya have a good relationship...hes been cheating on her for four years and yet their still all lovey...he makes her laugh, he nuzzles her neck and she still sits in his lap...all in front of the "woman he loves"
he doesn't love bella its pretty fucking obvious that he doesn't really give a shit about her
jk chapter 1 . 9/19/2016
Edward acts like they have only been together for a little while ...saying theres just a few things I need to work out...yet they've been together for FOUR FUCKING YEARS...hes been fucking two different women for four years. since its been so long I assume he likes it. theres just no other reason to drag bella through the fucking mud like this.

I don't understand why bella is still with this fucking piece of shit
TWILIGHT FOREVER812 chapter 3 . 8/9/2016
Woot! Go Bella!
jk chapter 4 . 12/19/2015
how can bella say you';; always be a great memory? Um not really! Hes nothin but a user and a skank
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