Reviews for Come What May
6 miles-to-go chapter 21 . 9/7/2015
Just wanted to say that I love this fic and I really hope you continue. I love the relationship development, it's different and it feels genuine. I'm also enjoying your writing style, you have some talent! Anyway, I really encourage you to continue this, I'm really interested in learning more about the locket!
That Other Coin chapter 21 . 8/24/2014
I know this probably won't get updated, but I really loved this story, especially the Lothlorien bits, I think the last chapter was my favourite . . . getting her kicked out of Lothlorien was an interesting twist I enjoyed reading about, I honestly thought she'd insist on tagging along, no the other way around.

Loved the evolving reletionship between her and Boromir - Nothing bonds people like bitching.

If you ever update this again, I'd love to read more of it :)
Kyle chapter 4 . 12/16/2013
Sorry I may be a bit biased but Boromir did not strike me as the asshole type and for the love of the Valar I cannot understand why all the fanficitions make hiim out to be so.

For starters he is pretty screwed having to be his father's pet to do everything only to have the kingdom taken away by Aragorn (who should've married Eowyn by the way) and he is pretty logical in his thinking. I don't blame him one bit for suggesting the Gap of Rohan as it is a lot closer to their destination and seems the most resonable at the time.

Two I am surprised he isn't any ruder despite the circumstances he is in as his only real fault is when he got tempted by the ring but who wouldn't be?
Heatblizzard chapter 5 . 12/16/2013
So you wait till chapter FIVE before you decided to break out the truth there won't be any Borormir Romance? Shame on you! That my friend is called false advertising.
Heatblizzard chapter 3 . 12/16/2013
I know how to get her there! Eagle power! Or how about build a small two seater ultra light plane?
Kyle chapter 1 . 12/16/2013
This says it's chapter one but the way it's written makes me feel like I missed something. Is this part 2 of another story? I am much confused.
Sunsetcheetah chapter 20 . 9/15/2013
Oh please please please do a conclusion to this story! I'd love to know what happens to Vivienne and Boromir_ loved it so!
Sunsetcheetah chapter 21 . 9/15/2013
Loved it! And now off to see if you have the conclusion! _
madamezou chapter 21 . 4/20/2013
Hey there! I read all this today, and I liked it a lot, you definitely nailed Boromir.
Is there any chance of it not being abandoned? I would love to read more.
MsWeird chapter 21 . 2/12/2013
Hi there. I know there probably isn't even the tiniest chance you would ever read this after 4 years of hiatus, but I would really feel bad about not leaving any comment after reading this story as far as here, because, girl, it is really good and I had a good time reading it. I know how frustrating it can be when your story is read by dozens of people but only few of them bother to add a comment and I really think this one deserves some apperciation :). I've grown tired of all those cliches you mentioned eariler and I think you did a good job avoiding them in your story. It is sooo hard to find a good Boromir/OC FF unspoilt by that. At first I thought the main character a little too childish and young for the good of it but later I grown to like the relationship evolving between her and the captain, the realistic clash of their characters only slowly developing into a fragile understanding and I would really love to read even more of it. So if by chance you read this, thank you for a story with potency to top every other story in its category I've read so far, though it is sad that it remains unfinished. If you ever consider to continue in this FF, I believe there are still many people out there who would be happy if you did, me being one of them :). Cheers
Chocobros chapter 21 . 1/26/2013
I hope you can update it's been a long time and Boromir and viv's relationship is getting better! Its been a long time though,but I just HOPE you can update!
Ellodyn chapter 21 . 1/17/2013
Please Update! I am loving this story so much! Also, I love how this is dif. from the typical LOTR romance fanfic. :)
Olaya chapter 21 . 7/30/2012
Well, mission accomplished. I haven't read many tenth walker fics because of how awful they usually are, but I really liked this one. I'm really interested in what's gonna happen next. :)
thirteen-yellow-roses chapter 2 . 7/24/2012
I just wanted to say that you have captured Bilbo perfectly here and this is probably the first story I've seen on this site to do so!
Guest chapter 21 . 7/1/2012
dude... that was it? like seriously, what the hell? I mean, the story is freaking awesome, I love Viv's growth and the development of their friendship. But...

you're cruel.
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