Reviews for The Human Blade
kdarnell2 chapter 8 . 10/8/2014
This is a very interesting story. I just found it but I greatly enjoyed it. I noticed you were writing this several years ago, do you have plans to continue it? Because it wound be a shame to just abandon a story this good.
GrumpyFox chapter 4 . 3/30/2013
What is with the ending Preview?! I'm all but giddy to read on!
Schattenspieler chapter 8 . 2/24/2013
The last chapter was published in 2009? We have 2013! Where's the rest?
I find it very unfair that the good and exciting stories will never complete. . _. '
I see a yes that it is difficult at this late date would get back into the story but how about this to rewrite it? They'll gefihl partially but not anyway. That would be a good time to revise everything and move on to new.
I would because of the psychological knowledge even two people come up with that might help there.
Besides others, I find this project naruto great - it's not so superficial.
I think it would in any case very careful to know the whole story!
Greetings Schattenspieler
Anna chapter 8 . 12/29/2012
So, i like the idea behind your fic, but i don't like what you yourself are doing with it. Don't get me wrong, your a good writer. Its just that you've hardly put in any scenes where naruto interacts with his team/Kakashi. There were the fight scenes, but those don't count, and then that time on the mission but you didn't really touch on it then either. Then after the accident Naruto's all talking about having made progress but where and when exactly was this progress made? The only time he actually spent talking to Kakashi was when they went for ramen and they didn't even really talk much then. It seems like this is just going to be one of those stories where the characters hardly know each other and all of a sudden are madly in love with each other and spend the rest of their lives together. And i Gotta say, i hate stories like that. So unrealistic. So as much as your story has potential you don't seem to be doing much with it, so i'm sorry to say i don't plan on continuing to read it. Good luck and all tho. This isn't meant to put you down, and if it seems like it is i apologize.I just wanted to inform you of what Was bothering me about your fic. I guess you could say i'm trying to give you some Constructive criticism. You can totally choose to ignore it if you want. Thx for your time :)
nonameeeeeeeee chapter 8 . 11/20/2011
Maa, I'd read and reviewed this THREE YEARS ago and I find myself just as enthralled on the second run through as the first.

The characters, the plot, the sheer GAH factor. Naruto's just a little broken and everything around him is cracked and crooked and the way he just wants to -fix- everybody... Oh. be still my shuddering heart.

I so so hope that you will consider returning to this. I'm just such a sucker for good KakaNaru and there is sadly so little of it.

If there's any way I can help - I'm a decent enough beta and a more than willing sounding board, just let me know.
Violet Garnets chapter 8 . 3/6/2011
Hey, don't give yourself such little credit :) You were gone for a while, and when you come back the chapter still has the same dynamic rhythm and acuity it had where your left off. I'm not kidding.

Naruto's intensely great in this chapter, and considering your dislike for the power play business, I think you're doing a great job with it. Really. I'm personally someone who thinks that a story is definitely augmented when there's more than just romance at work, and this story definitely benefited from that decision.

I'm excited to see where you'll go next, and how Kakashi's doing, the poor thing. Keep at it, do as you will, because you're doing spectacularly well.

Also- don't discredit yourself just 'cause you're fifteen either. You're immensely talented, far more than many people much older than you. With more experience, I'm sure you'll be in a great place ten years from now.

Anyway, can't wait 'til you update.

Ja ne,

Anna Li chapter 8 . 12/1/2010
I really like this story, amazing characterizations and plotline and i really wanna see more KakaNaru moments!

also i saw the poll and voted, are you planning to continue this story? hope you do, seriously i've been waiting to see more of this, i need an update~~

keep up the good work! _
chobits909 chapter 6 . 9/18/2010
haha... it makes me giggle when you say "this chapter sucks" every time!

because really, they don't.. the story is so captivating and exceedingly rich! thoroughly impressed!

I really hope you continue/complete this one because you are a great writer :D :D :D so don't give up hope!

ta ta for now!
blackmagic661 chapter 8 . 5/8/2010
i really like this story, cant wait for the next chapter :)

but i really wanna no when the kakanaru stuff gonna start happenin?
perfectly weird chapter 8 . 4/17/2010
i love this story but you OUGHT to update...this is one of the more decent KakaNaru fic with amazing characterizations and plotline (although i have yet to see ANY KakaNaru moments... so please update! :)
Shinigami Clara chapter 8 . 3/12/2010
i'm curious whether this is going to be a kakanaru or itanaru... although i won't mind either cause i love them both and i'd definitely feel sorry of either one of them got naru and the other didn't... why am i feeling so conflicted when it's not even me that's writing this story?

anyways! looking forward to the next chapter
pk chapter 8 . 2/3/2010
just wanted to leave a note that I'm really pleased at how you're actually showing Naruto being forced to learn how to be a Hokage. Not many people write about that.

Thank you so much for sharing this story! I'm not sure if you're continuing this (considering the last update date) but in any case it's been an interesting journey so far! _
pk chapter 7 . 2/2/2010

I'm having lots of fun reading between the lines of your fic.

also, a belated note of the awesome POV thing you did with Itachi At The Gates. _b
pk chapter 6 . 2/2/2010
D they're dating. shinobi-style. all accidentally on-purpose.



pk chapter 5 . 2/2/2010
pining!Itachi is possibly the most adorable cranky thing evar. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING IT. XD

*Thinking about Sasuke gave him an odd feeling. He'd really gone wrong there, hadn't he?*


*"Ahh." the girl sighed. "You're impossible. You should just ask him."

Itachi, who had designed seven plans of seducing Naruto, an average of roughly nineteen point six variations of each of them, and countless combinations of the plans besides, had not thought of that. "Hn."*

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