Reviews for To The Bride, And Groom!
Blue Heart 98 chapter 2 . 11/6/2012
that was an interesting idea. i think you captured Emmett and Jasper's personality perfectly. it was funny, well written and unique. well done:)
Riddan chapter 2 . 6/7/2011

it is short but really sweet!
gleeme33 chapter 1 . 2/27/2011
Rose Hathaway chapter 2 . 1/15/2011
Aww, I loved it! I think Emmett's speech was the best, though.
CullenLove678 chapter 1 . 7/25/2010
LOL you gotta love Emment.
kdillin chapter 2 . 7/6/2010
very cute
cool-gal95 chapter 2 . 3/29/2010
haha...tht is so Emmett & Jasper. awesome
SwagolasThranduilion chapter 3 . 10/25/2009
Guess what Stevie?

You are an Ass Whole! HAHA!

Save the replies, I don't intend on reading any crap that spews from your incoherent mind.

have a nice day

~The Flame Union~
KataraWooq chapter 1 . 9/25/2009
Ha! Mike - ' I knew it!' Thats really inventive! Great story! Niccee!
Superwomannn chapter 3 . 8/6/2009
u suck like crap and have no frkn stupid idea of what ur talking about! By the way... GET A LIFE MORON! Read twilight you idiotic little chiken!
ElectrikViolin chapter 3 . 7/29/2009
hey that was a great story i loved Emmett's speech and your a great writer but No offense u really shouldn't bash a story on a FAN site or you'll get a lot of haters just if you don't care it's still really rude i dont no u personally so im not gonna judge you but...TWILIGHT rules! (:
twilightCrAzYBobO101 chapter 1 . 7/25/2009
hey are u a guy or girl?
twilightCrAzYBobO101 chapter 3 . 7/25/2009
nice u noe ur kind of funny but i just read this cause i have nothing ESL to do. the rest of family are tards
Mysterious Jae chapter 1 . 7/16/2009
Nice )
Modern Audrey chapter 1 . 7/16/2009
Wow. You know, I don't care that you've decided to stop writing. What really bothers me, though, is the very mean way you are treating those who have supported your writing all of this time. I mean, I'm actually hurt by the way you are talking to us. Hurt, and ashamed to have wasted a minute reading anything you've ever written. Honestly, I just don't understand why anyone would treat their fans like...well...nothing. Just for having the bad sense to read and appreciate their writing skills. I guess it really goes to show how much we mean to you, huh?

So, we're all teeny boppers? What does that make you? A reformed teeny bopper? Just a bit hypocritical, I'd say.

Please save your hateful replies, as I've no intention of reading them. I've pretty much decided here and now to never read another word you write.
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