Reviews for I have never
meek-bookworm chapter 1 . 3/11/2018
This one is still awesome and I love Linus's frustration with the world in general and his 10 friends in particular and of course that Danny knows everyone was kissing Rusty ;)
PizzaCanBePoetsToo chapter 1 . 1/4/2015
I've been reading a lot of your stuff, from the beginning on, and I have to say: I loved this one. I was constantly laughing, and, in my opinion, this was a favorite from the early ones.
Peabodythecat chapter 1 . 12/4/2014
majorproblem101 chapter 1 . 10/17/2014
cdl chapter 1 . 8/8/2013
You really need to make this a multichapter story. Good story
illuminazione chapter 1 . 2/9/2011
That's so funny. I loved the "I have never" game. They are so unbelievable. ;D And of course it was Basher's fault. :)

yours satori
alocine chapter 1 . 1/27/2011
oh yeah!


I have to wonder why even Rusty would be taking a cat into a restaurant :P
harmonyhelms chapter 1 . 1/1/2011
Hahahaha loved it, I was laughing the entire time! I especially liked the banter between Rusty and Danny, I can't say enough times how well you write them. I also kinda like the idea that Rusty's the only guy Danny's kissed, it kinda sweet. :)
Hijokugei chapter 1 . 12/30/2010
Died from laughter, but recommend that the ending not be Rus/dan centric.
PeanutTree chapter 1 . 3/17/2010
Awesome! Now that I've read your other stories (and what a creeper I must seem to be), I recognize the Canada story from... somewhere. I like that sense of mystery, that their stories never really get fully explained but they tie the pair together.
Maia2 chapter 1 . 12/20/2009
I thought this line was great:

He was slightly surprised when not only did they drink immediately, but so did Livingston, Basher, Frank, Yen, Turk and Saul.

And then you add:

Danny grinned. “I have never kissed a guy who wasn’t Rusty,” he said loudly.

Only Rusty and Saul drank. There was a pause.

Virgil stared at Rusty. “Dude. You’re kind of a slut.” Haha, so good. And of course, who wouldn't want to kiss Rusty?

Great little fic.

Saphimire Karishnikova chapter 1 . 12/10/2009
I can't seem to stop laughing. Rusty and Danny just know too much about each other. xD
Elle chapter 1 . 6/22/2009
Lovely. :) Thank you.
Shiruy chapter 1 . 5/10/2009
Love. LoveloveloveloveLOVE. 33 Absolutely everything about this is perfect. This was my favourite part:

Rusty leaned back and stared at the ceiling. “Okay,” he said eventually. “I have never – “

“Liar!” Danny interrupted.

“Fair point,” Rusty conceded[...]
Floraflower chapter 1 . 2/20/2009
I've been thinking about the line "dude, you're kind of a slut" the entire day, so I just had to read the ficlet once more now. Then I realised I hadn't commented, so I thought I would.

I love it, of course. It keeps popping up in my head at random times and makes me smile. Carefree and so full of underlying hints to other stories and other times that you can read it time and time again. But there is some things I'm not entirely sure about. Funny enough it falls after each other.

§“If you’ve done it more than once do you take more than one drink?” Livingston asked, nonchalantly.

Rusty looked slightly alarmed. Danny shook his head. “That way lies alcohol poisoning.”§

Danny is refering to RUSTY here, right? Because he's had to many and stuff. Or are you implying that Livingston is in fact very explorius? I can't really imagine that..

§Yen’s contribution was lengthy and accompanied by a vast range of hand gestures that somehow, no matter how hard he tried, Linus couldn’t look away from.

Rusty grinned and drank. He was the only one. Livingston, eyes wide, leaned over towards him. “Weren’t you embarrassed?”§

Would you please please tell me what you where thinking he said there? Did you have a jolly good time while you wrote this, 'cause you meant something spesific? Or am I reading a little to much into it now. That does happen..

Personally I hate this particulary drinking game. 'Cause it ALWAYS ends up dirty, like Linus said. I mean, from the first question and on it's all about sex. I wish I could play it with these guys, they kept it light longer, and WAY more interesting when hedding down into the mud.. The thing is that it looked like so much fun I actually want to do it now. Though I'll probably just get disapointed again.

Anyway, as always I'm eternilly grateful for being able to read such wonderful fics, so Thank you!

..oh, and I'm not logged in at my name 'cause I'm at work. Boring, boring work. Thank god I've got you guys to reread)
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