Reviews for Forgetting
Sophie chapter 1 . 2/26/2012
I really enjoy reading your style of writing. It's refreshing. Needless to say, I liked this subtle piece and wouldn't be opposed to a sequel, considering it was so good. Nonetheless, thank you for this.
jetblacksakura chapter 1 . 4/8/2010
I have the same problem as Sakura. I can't forget many things either.

I love the story. Thank you for writing it.

It was enjoyable.
lynxtracks chapter 1 . 5/13/2009
Well done, well done.

The only thing that could make this better would be a second chapter describing just how Sakura finds out his hands are cold.

vucizalis chapter 1 . 3/16/2009
Wow very beautiful and sad and tragic. But that last there a hint of NejiSaku in there?
leavesofchange chapter 1 . 10/28/2008
this was such a good read! i really liked how you portrayed Sakura and her devotion, as well as her dilemmas. Awesome fic!
xXAsuka-chanXx chapter 1 . 9/9/2008
awe this was good

i think you deserved more reviews than you got
marichat chapter 1 . 9/7/2008
An excellent story, in my opinion. However you made a tiny mistake in the second pragraph: "...How any of them could function normally, see flashes of dark skin and pale hair, and not remember." You must have been typing quickly and typed 'hair' and 'skin' in the wrong places.
i AM the Random Idiot chapter 1 . 8/28/2008

Chibi Tsunade chapter 1 . 8/26/2008
aw...such a sad story..i liked it aot!..keep up the good work )..
