Reviews for Inhuman Resurrection
Guest chapter 3 . 9/15/2013
This is great. It feels just like reading a professional science fiction novel except with L, which makes everything better. :3
mix chapter 1 . 5/28/2010
T-t-this should be under Halo crossovers. Don't think you can hide that L is the first smart AI rom me!

/stops rambling

Utterly brilliantly written fic, dammit.
lelo chapter 14 . 2/1/2010
Dang, with a world like this you should just write your own story. Vey is an awesome character and could carry an original story on its own.

In any case, this is pretty awesome, even if I didn't get a word this last chapter was supposed to mean. Which added to its greatness...
Dying Platypus chapter 10 . 10/16/2009
Dentalion and GLaDOS should get married. I think HAL 90 should marry them.
RefurAG chapter 14 . 7/3/2009
This story has made me remember why I love Death Note... Now I'm going to have to watch it again... oh, well.

Thanks for a fantastic story and I really hope this one wont be abandoned... there are to few good DN fanfics around.

transientday chapter 14 . 6/3/2009
The most intelligent and absorbing Death Note fan fiction I have ever read! 2 thumbs WAY up and 12 out of 10 stars! Brilliant work!
SakuraCa chapter 14 . 4/23/2009
Oohh.. I like this. XD

The story kind of reminds me of Chobits, Video girl AI and Phoenix. The last chapter was written very well and intense, but... Why? Why had Light to die again? D:

Nevertheless, good job.
FacelessIdol chapter 3 . 4/18/2009
Okay I'm still halfway through chapter 3, but, 'rampancy'! YES. Marathon! Am I right? Also, Halo and stuff, but really more of a Marathon reference. If it's not a reference to that I'm going to feel like a retard lols. Oh well, time to continue with the story...
Cloves chapter 14 . 2/18/2009
LOL! ... I just got back inside.. from a cigarette... from the last chapter. And I just read the beginning of chapter 14.

So true so true. I need another.

Keep it coming!
Guest chapter 14 . 2/18/2009
Dear god. More.
nicole chapter 14 . 2/18/2009
... O_o what? lol, that was awesomely well written, but i'm so confused X)
Gijinka Renamon chapter 14 . 2/18/2009
(Blinks)...Did I miss something? (Goes back to read it again)
Deltadasher chapter 14 . 2/18/2009
Wow, he threw up even though he hasn't eaten anything! That takes pure skill!

But anyway: that was a good chapter, as always. Dantalion would probably be curious about that later. Oh, the conversations they could have!

*Ahem* Hooray on another chapter! Yeah, I have no complaints.
Madeline Cullen chapter 1 . 2/17/2009
I am officially and totally confused. But not because it was bad; on the contrary, I saw everything perfectly clear in my head.

The only road block, or question I have is: Is that Danta as Light or is Light Danta?

But then common sense tells me that AIs can't kill eachother and Danta seems more like BB to me than anything.


Great chapter!

aflaskj chapter 14 . 2/17/2009
Wow, the imagery was really awesome. I'm still really confused at what exactly transpired but...did L kill Light? Is that what Dantalion (I'm guessing that was him with L at the beginning unless it was just his imagination or...something. Everything felt so surreal to me) was meaning when he said "Murderer" and how L lied to the doctor? Unless L just WANTED to kill L and was "living" what he wanted to do...

Hmm. Very confused, but it was so twisted that I couldn't help but get confused. :P Update when ya can! )
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