Reviews for A new beginning
ElijahsKaterina chapter 14 . 1/25/2016
I can't ever get enough of these two! Favorited this story just incase you decide to come back to it some day.. you most definitely should.
Thee Angel Of Music chapter 14 . 8/29/2015
Really good story about Harleen Quinzel
LoreChaos chapter 14 . 2/26/2015
So cute :33 I love it!
jokergirl4ever chapter 5 . 3/20/2009
this is a very good story it is a good view on how their relationship could have started
jokergirl4ever chapter 1 . 3/15/2009
you wrote the first sentence of this stoty twice
iloveme5895 chapter 14 . 11/20/2008
I love it! omg cant wait 4 more

BrocktreeJustLeft chapter 14 . 10/27/2008
Marvelous characterization, I did notice a couple of small typos in the later chapters, such as "My" instead of "By", but there weren't very many. But other than that the spelling actually caught me off guard, you're doing really well with it which is, as you probably are well aware, pretty unusual. Overall above average writing. Can't wait to see what's to come.
Phoenix Princess555 chapter 9 . 10/1/2008
Wow, fantastic story. I really enjoyed it alot. Please update soon. Your characterization is very good and I enjoy each chapter greatly. Your story has so much potential :)
MK08 chapter 9 . 9/26/2008
Ah, this story is so fantastic! I really like how you wrote Harley. She's not the simpering little twit that a lot of people make her out to be. And as always, I love Mr. J. :) He's so clever!

And now it looks like those two are really getting somewhere! ;) Yay, I can't wait! Great work!
mellathea chapter 6 . 9/16/2008
This a wonderful Fan Fic! I love it so much!

Please write more im dying to haer what happens!
Titaniafairy chapter 5 . 9/9/2008
This story is cute and different. Your Harley has a lot of gut along with her obsessed professional self, I kind of like it. If I may, there are a few things that stick out to me; first, when the Joker plays his little game with Harley I think it is in character of him to switch the doctor and patient roles, however, I don't think he would engage in it so quickly on a first session. You already have him intrigued by her from the Two-face incident, which by the way was really neat, but I definitely think he would try to toy around with her a little more and try to break her mind a bit, especially before suggesting a possible partnership. Second, I like the way you have created Harley but since you made her so strong I'm not sure it makes sense for her to engage with him physically so quickly either because you portray her with such a great strong emphasis on self-control,... and denial! Although the way you stressed her struggle for control and obsession gave good insight to her teetering mental stability. Anyway, these are just my opinions and I am SO sorry if I am being too nitpicky. You've got a good story here and I hope you keep writing it, I will be reading. I'm surprised this doesn't have more reviews, it deserves them! Best of luck... :)