Reviews for Eating Habits
updatedrelic chapter 5 . 5/27/2014
(Loved it though .)
SummerSnowflakes15 chapter 5 . 1/26/2010
Ew! That is so gross!
Karrie chapter 5 . 1/17/2009
Okay, This is a great idea. I just think that you need more detail. I think you need to develop your characters more and I think that you need to develop your plot line. You need to take a look at the characters that are already developed for you and ask yourself if they would actually do the things that you have them doing. House, for example, would never "chuckle lightly". You need to work on your transition from place to place. It's confusing in the second chapter when they're at the house and then all of a sudden they are at the hospital. You didn't say that they got into a car or took a bus or even rode bikes.

And morgues don't embalm bodies. Also, someone stealing bodies from a morgue would be caught pretty quick considering that the bodies need to be identified, autopsied and claimed by their families. Even the ones that give up their bodies for science are embalmed at a funeral home before going to a medical school.

Also, why aren't the parents sick if they've been ingesting all of this formaldehyde?

And where did this whole Chase-Cameron-love thing come up? Nothing alluded to it at all.

One last thing, human teeth aren't sharp enough to go through a doctor's coat, a shirt and take a bit of flesh out as well. Our teeth are even more suited for grinding up vegetables more so than meat products.

I really think that you need to do some research when you write. Just fifteen minutes of research, contemplation and maybe outlining as well, and you will have a great story on your hands.
alyssaaa chapter 5 . 10/10/2008
i liked it but the ending didn't really seem complete to me.
tish chapter 5 . 10/9/2008
its good that he'ss going to stop eating PEOPLE...

and the chase and cameron thing... weird

so what happened to stasy?

did the husband ever find out?
tish chapter 4 . 10/9/2008
hmm... this is like sweeney todd
tish chapter 3 . 10/9/2008
omg he eats PEOPLE! lol thats what I guessed when they found the stuff in the house.. ew!
the-vampire-act chapter 5 . 9/23/2008
wow. thats sorta a cool way! yay! great story!
the-vampire-act chapter 4 . 9/23/2008
oh! awesome! i wonder whtas in closet now!
the-vampire-act chapter 3 . 9/22/2008
oh i still wanna what is up with chase...

good story!1 very suspenceful!
the-vampire-act chapter 2 . 9/22/2008
oh. i wonder whats up with chase! the suspence is killing me! wich means its its not! its completely awesome!
the-vampire-act chapter 1 . 9/22/2008
who he was caught doing...interesting! right on awesome story! yay!
daz3dandconfus3d chapter 5 . 9/20/2008
WOW. That was extremely well-written, exactly like a House episode would be. And really creepy- I might have bad dreams tonight...IS THAT WHAT YOU WANTED? Lol.

And it totally original! I loved it. I read a story (not here, but on FictionPress) about a group of cannibals, but they were really hot, so they would charm their way into girls hearts and then..kill them...yeah...I think that's how it was. I didn't read the whole thing. But my point was...Actually, I don't know what my point was. I just wanted to tell you that...Yea...

So I have a question, did Jordan know he was eating humans? I mean, was he aware?

Can you answer in an A/N, this account isn't connected to my e-mail.

But yeah, this is totally awesome.
cryingblacktears chapter 5 . 9/16/2008
liked the comclusion...very exiting stuff...I wan't too sure about the Chase/Cameron bit at the end seemed a bit rushed, especially with the whole Chase/Stacy thing (interesting twist, by the way)

Otherwise, I really liked this story and you wrapped it up pretty well

Matteic chapter 4 . 9/15/2008
It's, hum... interesting.


I hope there will be more soon !
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