Reviews for Behind Darkened Eyes: Drops of Crimson
Coldsands chapter 1 . 12/8/2012
could you send me the original forgotten year?
Polaris'05 chapter 23 . 11/11/2008
Wah! I didn't see that coming... I'm so sad now! How bittersweet, I guess, but I really didn't want them to leave. Sigh. Life without Frank and Joe Hardy... what a nightmare! :) Great story, I've loved it! (Sorry about slacking with the reviews, btw...) Really, great and I hope you've got something else planned for the future maybe?

Polaris'05 chapter 19 . 11/2/2008
Agh, this isn't working out very well, is it? Hmph. Poo on Akacia... I hope everything's starts moving into the Hardys favor. Great to see an update!

bhar chapter 18 . 10/19/2008
Good going. So now Joe can read minds too? He's not going to like that much though it will come in rather useful when fighting bad guys :)
Polaris'05 chapter 17 . 10/11/2008
Well daggum, I'm running out of people that I haven't been feeling sorry for cause they just keep getting kidnapped! I hope Biff's ok... he's my favorite of all the minor characters, so I really REALLY don't want him to die!

Thank God Joe got to Jamie in time though. Now if he can figure out where the others are, that'd be great. Unless that's what the bad guys WANT him to do, in which case it won't be that great. For him. Update!

Polaris'05 chapter 16 . 10/6/2008
Oh come on, you big jerk! (the bad guy, not you!) Why must they always pick on the little brothers? So not fair. At least Jamie was able to stay away from him for so long, maybe it bought the others enough time to get there before the bad guy had a chance to do to much. Sighs... update soon!

Polaris'05 chapter 15 . 9/30/2008
The big bully! Now poor little Jamie is gone too! Seriously, the Hardys aren't going to have any friends LEFT by the time they're done...

I love Biff's reaction to Joe's psychicness. That was the perfect touch, that he noticed the other two probably hadn't accepted it very easily, and I love how he didn't care HOW they found Hope and Tony, just that they DID. I hope they don't hurt Biff's little brother though. Great job!

bhar chapter 14 . 9/25/2008
Yaay! a new chapter. I am glad Joe just came otu and said he knew where Tony and Hope were. Whether anyone belives him or not. Good work.
Polaris'05 chapter 14 . 9/25/2008
Well, I'd love to say "Gosh, Frank, what's wrong with you, how could you not believe that the brother you've known for how many years is suddenly psychic and know's where your kidnapped friends are because he saw it in a dream?" but I guess he really is too level-headed for that. But he could at least look at it like it was just Joe's famous gut instincts, because he's usually dead-on when it comes to those! :)

More! Let's find Hope and Tony without killing them! LOL

Polaris'05 chapter 13 . 9/16/2008
...if you kill Tony and Hope... I'm not talking to you anymore! :) LOL, just kidding.

Kind of.

Yeah the chapters are short, but they do a great job of leaving me wanting more! And I love that song, by the way. Please don't kill them... I'll be so sad. Tony's such a great guy! Oh well, author knows best, right? Love the updates!

Polaris'05 chapter 12 . 9/16/2008
"One word answers are never a good sign. It means they can sum up their insanity in one word."

~Hmm... very insightful! I like that! Oh my Tony. You deserve better. Like me. :)

Polaris'05 chapter 11 . 9/14/2008
Um... I swear this is like the third time I've seen this chapter... I'm confused... It keeps telling me there's updates but then showing me the same thing I read already... don't get me wrong, it IS a good chapter, LOL, but I don't know if it's my computer or if it really is not changing.

Oh well. Um... good job? :)

Polaris'05 chapter 8 . 9/9/2008
So this is a continuation of my review from chapter 10 because I definitely forgot to mention... I LOVE the quote you used for chapter 10. It's my favorite so far, and that's saying something considering you always pick great quotes to use in your chapters. But that was definitely the best. So depressing, but who doesn't love a nice bit of angst?

Yeah, just wanted to add that. Love it. Great job!

Polaris (again)
Polaris'05 chapter 10 . 9/9/2008
Here's a thought... Akacia should JUMP OFF A BRIDGE for BEING MEAN TO TONY! :) And then she has the whole "I'm so sorry I didn't mean for this to happen" thing going on... yeah, she probably should have thought of that BEFORE!

Ok, I had to be protective of my favorite little supporting characters. It really was a good chapter, I've obviously made an emotional connection (LOL) and that's important in a story. I love the little chain reaction of everyone the Hardys know starting to disappear. They'd better watch their step!

Can't wait for more, please hurry and update! :)

Mouse95 chapter 10 . 9/9/2008
Intresting so maybe it's Akacia father who's behind all of this uh? I love that line about the cheif and Con not missing the files Joe took.
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