Reviews for Don't Tell Harley
Batsy chapter 5 . 7/3/2015
I love it please continue
TheTeaDrinker chapter 5 . 11/28/2013
I absolutely love this story, I'm trying to figure out if Alyss is going to stay with Bruce or if (the less likely option) she might go insane on her own and team up with the Joker or something, because the feeling I got from Go Ask Alyss.
urmessismine chapter 5 . 3/9/2012
The sequel is AMAZING! I wish u would have continued:(:(
Nott01 chapter 5 . 1/24/2012
Please up date soon! Love the series so far, just as much as the first series!
harleyQdoll chapter 3 . 11/18/2008
oohh mann this was awesome!

i can definitely picture this scene in a movie!

its that good :]
Lysandria chapter 5 . 10/17/2008
Interesting that you've truly seemed to capture the character portrayed by "The Dark Knight" movie. When Harley finally snaps, I can just picture her tackling joker the same way he first did her! Great work, keep it up!
deleted9 chapter 5 . 10/7/2008
Nice last line, that is pretty true. I feel so bad for Alyss..I just like them together, Bruce needs to get his dang act together. I like the break out Harley had in this chapter with her accent, that was good. Wonderful job!
Gamine Madcap chapter 5 . 10/3/2008
Yay updates! Of course it was good...though one moment of confusion-was the first dream Harley's or Alyss's? Cause the way the chapter is set up, it felt like Alyss's-and unless she has some kind of psychic thing going on I don't know about...anywho, keep up the great work and update soon!
Poisonrunningthrewmyveins chapter 3 . 9/18/2008
poison Ivy


ch 4, anon. abuseI love this story done tell harley. I love you kept the jokers dialoge like it was in the movie. I also love you are slowly unreaveling Harley, slowly her psychotic mad self is seeping out. I cant read to the next one but i am also wondering if Harley who will become harlequin, will she go after sariah or alyss? because the joker had interest in them. Does she want to elminate them or are they so insignificant to bother with? If the joker gets out of Arkham, will he allow Harley to tag along? Also will there be sexual tension between Harley and the Joker? Keep up the awesome writing. Cant wait to read the next ones...

Just want
deleted9 chapter 4 . 9/17/2008
Ooh, I loved this. That lady was so snobbish and proud, yet that's why she thought Harley should be taken off the Joker's case because she was getting too conceited. People will never learn lol. The Joker is right on n your story, brilliant and manipulative. Great job writing him and wonderful chapter!
deleted9 chapter 3 . 9/17/2008
That was terrific! Wow, they are similar when you look at how they act and interact with each other, and I bet that scares her a lot. Aw, it's sad that Bruce is going back to being a jerk, I hope it works out with them. I don't think it was crazy or anything to have Drake as Robin, I can see where you are coming from and it works. Great chapter!
deleted9 chapter 2 . 9/17/2008
Ooh, that was exciting! Loved the interaction between the Joker and Harley. She's right about him, he is quite brilliant. That's why I think I enjoy him so much. I liked her musings at the end of your chapter as well! Wonderful job!
deleted9 chapter 1 . 9/17/2008
Yay! I'm so glad I get to finally read this! School work is dumb, haha. Anyway, great great job on your first chapter! The Drake thing makes me laugh a lot, with the news and all. Harley is a very interesting character so I'm looking forward to seeing how you portray her throughout this story along with Alyss. Wonderful chapter!
Gamine Madcap chapter 4 . 9/16/2008
What a great chapter! I LOVED the Joker breaking his psych-and the fact that he got mad that she took away his toy. Only thing-the weird caps in Joker's speech are getting to me. I understand it-that it's for emphasis-but I wonder if maybe you could tone it down a tad. Not overdo a good thing, ya know? Other than that's fantastic. Keep up the great work and update soon!
Heart of The Joker chapter 4 . 9/15/2008
Wow, intense. Another great chapter :). I'm sorry for the loss you're going through *hug*. Looking forward to the next, whenever ya get it up, no hurry, whenever ya feel up to it, just take care.
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