Reviews for Hunter, Hunted
Leanne chapter 18 . 2/20/2018
Hi rosie-bec. Thankyou very much for finishing this story. I loved it as much as I loved all the others. I'm sorry you haven't been well lately, but hope you improving all the time. Please keep writing. Would love to hear another story to follow on from this one. Keep up the writing. You are very gifted.
LBZIP chapter 18 . 12/29/2016
Wow, this one certainly ended up in a much different place (figuratively speaking) than it started. I enjoy all your stories, and this was no exception.
Ashena-Iulik chapter 18 . 12/22/2016
Uhuu! ! Glad to see you finish this fic! I love the series! Wow the duel with Rassillon was awesome ;) and the emotional stress god I almost passed oit from holding my breath. Anyway hope that you are still going to continue the series maybe we could see some of that Valyard :)
LBZIP chapter 11 . 12/8/2016
I just started reading this one a few days ago. I definitely want to keep reading, so I hope you will be updating soon.
Klefki chapter 11 . 10/9/2016
I like your fics. It's nice to see you back writing fics. I understand that life tends to get in the way of things. I haven't had time to write fic myself cause of grad school.
Krissy S chapter 11 . 10/9/2016
Oh My God! The minute I saw that the grass was orange I was like 'It's turning the Earth into another Gallifrey'. And when I saw the effect being near the TARDIS was having on the Doctor and that he was planning to send Her away to try and stop the effects of the box I almost cried. Considering there were times when the TARDIS and the Doctor were all the other had this cannot be easy for the Doctor at all and so this makes me sad. But I trust you so I will just wait and see where your going with this part of the storyline. Also, I loved the scene between the Doctor and Mickey. It was nice to see that Doctor trusted Mickey enough to confide in him. I noticed that Ten seems to have more respect for Mickey than Nine ever did. I remember when they found out that Mickey's name in the other reality was Rickey I wondered if Nine had seen that reality at some point and he just didn't have any respect for Mickey so he never tried to remember which name he went by in this reality. Anyway, this was another awesome chapter. Keep up the great writing. :-D

Krissy :-)
Ashena-Iulik chapter 11 . 10/5/2016
Wow! This is the best change of The End of Time episodes :) I only hope it won't end like that one, him with a new face
Ashena-Iulik chapter 10 . 9/30/2016
What the hell are you thinking! What is that box? It's not a tardis is it? Or a prison like in the last episode with Peter capaldi?
Ashena-Iulik chapter 1 . 9/30/2016
Lol Bon Jovi! Love that song! Kind off suits them
Mysecretvice chapter 10 . 9/29/2016
Just discovered these stories last week and read them all! They are amazing and so are you! Looking forward to more, especially after the evil cliffhanger.
Krissy S chapter 10 . 9/28/2016
Another awesome chapter. Things are getting interesting again. What with the Doctor being exhausted which is very unusual for him and the cliffhanger ending {You are evil. ;-)}. Also, you know things are getting serious when Jack is worried about what is happening. I love watching Rose take care of the Doctor. The scene where she tucks him in before going to talk to Jack was very sweet. I can't wait to see what has the Doctor freaking out and how it is tied to the box as well as what all this has to do with the Master. Keep up the wonderful writing. :-D

Krissy :-)
Krissy S chapter 9 . 9/18/2016
(jumps up and down) Me... Me... I'm still reading. I loved this chapter. I laughed and got warm fuzzes reading it. What more could one ask for when reading a new chapter. I adored watching the Doctor interact baby Tom. It was adorable and funny at the same time. And I have to admit I might have 'aww'-ed at one point during that scene. And then the scene right after that when Rose dragged the Doctor away for a few alone moments and it took him a second to figure out why Rose wanted to drag him into her old room and the light bulb went on and he was like 'Oh...', I definitely laughed. And then that bit of mystery at the end with the box and what the Master had been doing with it. I was like 'No... You can't end it there. I need to know what's going on.'. Overall, another awesome chapter and I can't wait to see what adventure you're going to take everyone on with this new mystery. Keep up the awesome writing. :-D

Krissy :-)
Krissy S chapter 8 . 8/30/2016
Oh My God! Welcome back. I was literally just thinking about re-reading your stories because they are some of my absolute favorite Doctor Who fics when I saw the e-mail in my inbox about the new chapter. Honestly I think I might have squealled a little when I saw that e-mail. I just have to say that I loved this chapter. Any time Jack and Rose interact you know it's going to be interesting to "see" and the small heart-to-heart between the Doctor and Rose at the end of the chapter was so sweet. From my perspective it was like you hadn't taken any time away from your writing at all. I am for sure going to go and re-read everything now. I am so glad your back to writing and even if no one else reviews (although I doubt that will happen considering there seem to be quite a few people who have found your stories over the years and have been asking for this update) know that I am reading and can't wait for the next chapter. So keep up the wonderful writing. :-D

Krissy :-)
Fantastic banana chapter 7 . 5/21/2016
So, I started reading this series a few days ago and it is AMAZING! I know this is like six years later but if you are still writing and on this site please, please, please update or add another story. Yes, I realize it's been six years but if there's a small chance you are looking back at this stuff, please update.(puppy dog eyes)
dragoncreators chapter 7 . 3/21/2013
more please!
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