Reviews for Accidentally Magical
debio2005 chapter 33 . 1/16
I enjoyed this immensely!
Kushka chapter 33 . 1/7/2019
Great story
Dreamer22 chapter 33 . 1/5/2019
I've really enjoyed reading this story the past few days! I won't lie, as I was getting closer to the last chapter and no clear end in sight I was worried this was unfinished since it was last updated in '09. However I'm quite glad there is a sequel! Heading over to head that now!
suziq968 chapter 33 . 11/16/2017
So I'd love to read overcoming evil if it ever gets finished. This was really great. It's a fun mix of the two worlds. It appears that you've stopped writing though. Well, I'll follow you in case you ever come back.
gunghoun chapter 5 . 12/9/2016
I feel annoyed that you've got Hermione acting like a bitch for no good reason, presumably simply because it's cliched that a new character has to clash with the established group before eventually fitting in. She doesn't feel like Hermione. I'm also not really digging how much of a self-pitying goober you're portraying Xander as, especially this far into the Buffy series where his character had developed quite a bit. But because the story is well-written from a technical stand point and those are somewhat minor, I'll try to power through instead of just dropping it.
Raven J. Haile chapter 33 . 2/5/2015
This was brilliant. I love the idea of Xander being a wizard. :3
iChaos chapter 33 . 1/10/2014
Excellent work. I was quite pleasantly surprised by how well you blended the two worlds together with Hermione & Xander. I never would have thought of that, but I think that they do make a good match that works great together.
star2000shadow chapter 25 . 9/28/2013
oh gosh that was just so so SWEET i loved this chapter 'sniffles' heck im CRYING.
star2000shadow chapter 22 . 9/28/2013
okay that was a fantastic chapter. 'nods' i LOVES it. and I like it a lot more then i did them just letting the wet works team take faith. or worse. faith having to run to angel for help.
star2000shadow chapter 12 . 9/28/2013
i love this story and the very end 'it was just one of the things he did' its awesome.. and SO true.
Unwritten Whispers chapter 24 . 1/21/2012
I literally had to stop myself in the middle of this chapter just to review. Was that a sly reference to the 'Cheese Man' from Trelawney's vision or do I just have my hopes up? I love this story so far by the way(:
Elennar9466 chapter 33 . 1/16/2012
Hi there!

I realise that I'm reviewing something that you've finished AGES ago, and your account hasn't been updated in over 3 years; but I just couldn't leave without leaving a review for this awesome story!

I actually lost my interest in fanfiction for some years, before I took to watching Buffy again and my old obsession flared up again with a vengeance!

So anyway, I came across this story, and I was completely bowled over by how wonderfully you handled things! Seriously, a story like yours should deserve way, way more than just 90 reviews! That, I assure you, is a terrible travesty! :D

You're a remarkably talented writer, and believe me when I say this; I'm a very knit picky reader by nature, and I really couldn't find anything to actually critique with this work.

I also have to say that you crafted the Restless based chapters really well, and with great finesse! In terms of quality, they were as good as the episode itself (not really sure if you can compare a TV show with a written story, but eh, you get what I mean, right?); with all of its beautifully surreal/eerie elements intact.

Have you, by any chance, branched onto original fiction too? If you have original pieces posted someplace online, I'd love to read them!
Megan Doe chapter 14 . 11/13/2011
Sam Wesson and Dean Smith... nice.
SWSW chapter 33 . 8/11/2010
Hi there!

I really liked your story (Well, except for the dream stuff, but hey it was my least favourite episode so don't blame yourself ;))

Keep it up!
lf chapter 32 . 8/1/2010
gotta say, these dream chapters really suck... isn't it wonderful that writers have a sandbox like fanfiction to see which writing experiments work and which don't?
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