Reviews for TOMODACHI 08
LoveMyXTremeBadBoyz chapter 19 . 1/8/2011
You're a talented writer and this story was awesome. I can't wait to continue to the next. ) Thanks for feeding my imagination so well, lol.
Dragon Rhapsody chapter 19 . 5/13/2010
I love your complication! And yes, they should run away, the thing I haven't even put a thought into, because I'm drowned in your plotting, it's perfect, well done :)
Dragon Rhapsody chapter 13 . 5/13/2010
I love this chapter!
daniero chapter 19 . 9/20/2009
I just read your story right now and I simply LOVED it!

I really felt all of the emotion and there is no couple that I love more than Matt and Mello.

They are amazing.

Thanks for such a good story. ]
Tunfisken chapter 19 . 9/9/2009
OMFG, YOUR AWESOME :D:D:D i really love it! yee :D:D kukuku, now i'll just skip off, reading some of the other fanfic's of yours _
foreverunloved chapter 19 . 7/14/2009
O_O OMG... I couldn't stop reading... it took me like 2 hours *slow reader* but... I finished it... and it was... awesome... I wouldn't have written Matt like that, but I love the way you write... it's wonderful...
lozzy035 chapter 19 . 5/30/2009
great sory ur a great writter
GetxsumxBREH chapter 13 . 11/30/2008
Demon's sinner chapter 19 . 11/29/2008
omg it's like romeo and Juliet but they don't die in the end. I was crying it was that great
EstelleYS chapter 19 . 11/14/2008
I love this story, actually, i've read the whole saga already, including "Obsession" 8D

I just want to say how much i enjoyed readint this, actually, i did a song fic for Matt and Mello, but it's not that good " Lol, i think i should stick to Kyou Kara Maoh or something... I love YuuRam XD lol... Thanks for your awesome fic!


Matt X Mello

Yuuri X Wolfram

Itachi X Kisame

Deidara X Sasori

Hidan X Kakuzu

Light X L

Haku X Zabuza

Vincent X Sephiroth

Byakuya X Rukia

Post your top ten couples on your profile too!
orochimarusbadgirl chapter 1 . 11/8/2008
oh-mi-gosh! i loved it, where did you get the idea?
mbbow chapter 19 . 11/3/2008
you're stories are really cool but just one thing (it doesn't matter or anything, really i love your stories) but a plane ride from germany to england takes about three hours maximum:)
rpmuleftw chapter 19 . 10/16/2008
Ah! An Deiner Seite! I LOVE Tokio Hotel's songs (only the German ones of course, the English suck majorly). Please write more Mello/Matt. This one is adorable.
Shikirou chapter 19 . 10/13/2008
This was definitely a great prequel. c: It fit in perfectly and it left me feeling beyond satisfied.

I can't wait to read what other stories you have planned. If it's anywhere as near as good as this was, then I know I'm going to love it! Tomadachi and Secrets both really pulled me in and I got into it. ... Probably a little too much. ;D

I'm still anticipating working with you on that story. If you're on, I'll get on msn soon and we can continue where we left off. :3

And, also, I smiled when I saw my name mentioned on your favorite reviewers. On this story AND your profile. :)

Near-roboboy97 chapter 19 . 10/12/2008
love it
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